Cox & Lake vss McIntosh, Broughton & 80k!

Started by Baggers2012, March 10, 2012, 01:14:47 PM

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Which Combo

Cox & Lake
6 (42.9%)
McIntosh, Broughton & 80k
8 (57.1%)

Total Members Voted: 1


Change it to Cox and Hargrave and lock that one in :)

Cox is a much better choice than Hmac
Broughts is good if stays in mid.
Lake is a HUGE Whatif...

Hargrave has monstered the NAB, and in 2009/2010 was a premium back. Looks set to get back there.


Cox is really so far ahead of all others mentioned here, you can't go past him.

Broughton could be forced to play tight and be accountable, Lake - risky, HMc job sharing with Goldstein.

I agree with Cox and Hargrave.