would love some feedback. pretty happy with it so far

Started by eagles_h, February 20, 2012, 08:28:25 PM

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buntine x              better rookies for cheaper price (morris, bugg, sierawasowskalciious, etc.)
goodes not the best of starters so maybe think of that
you seem to be down a prem mid too for my liking.. wont win games at the start of the year without them

the rest is impressive


yeah fair call on buntine, might try siera cause i have bugg and already have ellis so dont want 3 tigers in the backline.
yeah i'll look into goodes see if i could downgrade him and somehow use the money to aim for barlow or hayes for wingard. thanks for the feedback


Quote from: eagles_h on February 20, 2012, 09:24:58 PM
yeah fair call on buntine, might try siera cause i have bugg and already have ellis so dont want 3 tigers in the backline.
yeah i'll look into goodes see if i could downgrade him and somehow use the money to aim for barlow or hayes for wingard. thanks for the feedback
forget barlow mate his leg is pulling up sore


right oh thanks mate. thinking might have to be someone 380k and below at this stage cant get the money. so maybe gaff or christensen