Is your team better than this? If so how? Rate and ill rate yours

Started by Madmax75, February 18, 2012, 12:15:28 PM

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Nah get on Goodes, this is his year to start well - look at his draw! Has only missed 3 games in the past 10 years (all in 2008) and will be set to explode this year! Bank him.


He does have a very easy draw yep I think he's in. But Barlow out now with leg soreness and another prem Mitchell ? Selwood ?


Of course mine is better!

Forget the rookies - they can't possibly be set yet.

Otherwise you have / I have - here we go

Lids v Birchall
Clarke v Grimes
Swallow v Murphy
Swan v Jelwood
McEvoy v Mumford
Cloke v S Johnsonj
Porps v N Roo

UNfortunatley you have Barlow vs a mid rookie of mine.

Still like my team.

Good luck.


Decent side ya have there mate! If ya looking for a cheapish option instead of Porps id look at Gary Rohan, big chance for a breakout year!,48592.0.html


You have some good differences there but ill put my latest side up and you can have a look and see if you have the same advantages. Gary Rohan has been talked about for a breakout year hasnt he. He certainly has the pace but does he have the tank?


Updated Team:
B Goddard Deledio H Shaw Grimes Clarke Curran While Heath Brown
C Selwood Ablett A Swallow Murphy J T Mitchell Shiels Kerridge Allen
R Leuenberger McEvoy Stephenson Giles
F Buddy Pav Martin Sidebottom Brown Treloar Walsh Zorko Rowe

Swan out Selwood in
Barlow out Murphy in
Mumford out McEvoy in
Goodes out Pav in

Good moves?


Quote from: Madmax75 on February 19, 2012, 03:02:12 PM
Updated Team:
B Goddard Deledio H Shaw Grimes Clarke Curran While Heath Brown
C Selwood Ablett A Swallow Murphy J T Mitchell Shiels Kerridge Allen
R Leuenberger McEvoy Stephenson Giles
F Buddy Pav Martin Sidebottom Brown Treloar Walsh Zorko Rowe

Swan out Selwood in
Barlow out Murphy in
Mumford out McEvoy in
Goodes out Pav in

Good moves?

solid bro 8.5/10

rate mine


Quote from: Madmax75 on February 19, 2012, 03:02:12 PM
Updated Team:
B Goddard Deledio H Shaw Grimes Clarke Curran While Heath Brown
C Selwood Ablett A Swallow Murphy J T Mitchell Shiels Kerridge Allen
R Leuenberger McEvoy Stephenson Giles
F Buddy Pav Martin Sidebottom Brown Treloar Walsh Zorko Rowe

Swan out Selwood in
Barlow out Murphy in
Mumford out McEvoy in
Goodes out Pav in

Good moves?

I'd go Goodes or Fyfe over Pav personally. Other trades are very solid. 



Good solid in the bank is only good if ur goin for a league win IMO u need the points hence spend the cash to be up there from the start!!! Best team (apart from mine of course) I hav seen to date


Thanks I am going for league but also with an eye to getting the highest ranking I can. Just have to look at the rookies as I took that Richmond rookie out Ellis and put Curran in just because that meant I could afford Murphy who I think is a top 4 mid so will have to look at that. Downgrade sidebum to Rohan or props gives a couple of hundred k in the bank. Is that worth a look?


I like side bottom this yr I think he is a gun... Personally having that much in the bank is not worth it... Ellis is gonna be good I think don't know bout curran!!,48613.0.html


Yer you are right 200k is too much and sidebum looks like he will get mid time so a good pickup. Maybe as good or better than Zacha and cheaper. Can Zacha go forward again and become a premium..that is the ?


Overall, very nice team. I like the mids ruck and def but I don't like Martin at 2nd forward... But if you used the cash to upgrade the Porpoise to Riewoldt or Sidebottom or Kennedy, it'd look a lot more solid than it already is.
9/10 :)