Attention: Ringo, Colliwobblers and any other FF gurus!

Started by ben_020285, February 13, 2012, 01:58:44 PM

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I'm after a fairly comprehensive rating of my latest side if you wouldn't mind.

Please cover every line and let me know of both strengths and weaknesses.

Here it is:

BACKS: Goddard (MID), Scotland (MID), Adcock, Heppell, M Clarke, Bugg, Morris (Allen (MID), Wilkes)

MIDS: Ablett, Murphy, Selwood, Barlow, Zorko (FWD), Shiel (L Brown (DEF), J McDonald)

RUCKS: Mumford, Jacobs (Giles, Stepehnson)

FWDS: Franklin, Goodes (MID), Chapman (MID), N Riewoldt, Brown, Smedts (DEF), Hampton (MID) (Treloar (MID), Walsh)

$58,300 left.

I'm happy to rate anybody who rates mine. Just let me know if you would like a rating!


Good looking side mate, Solid Defense, strong mids and i like the ruck not sure on Chapman (age), with that spare cash i would consider bringing in the pav for chappy or maybe Heath Shaw in for Adcock
8.5/10, all up good side

WOuld you be able to rate mine mate? just put it on the rate my supercoach page


Thanks for the comments mate.

I've gone with Chappy to begin with because of the Cats favourable draw for the first half of the season. He's looking fitter than ever and I'm confident he will average 100 +. I'm definitely looking to Pav or Fyfe as an upgrade target later in the season because the Dockers have a tough draw to begin with.

Wouldn't mind Heath Shaw in my side but due to the byes I can't fit him in at the moment. I may even upgrade Marty Clarke to Shaw before the byes even come around.


Agree with your plans of keeping Chappy until upgrade.
Feel that your defence is a bit short and with the byes not until round 11 i feel your losing a lot of points waiting on a bye.
Leaving all of the collingwood mids out is a big call.
Not sure on your rucks, maybe.
Quality forward line with ability to adjust.

All in all a conservative 8/10.

please rate mine. Just on page 1 of rate my super


Like it.

If Adcock stands up and Heppell keeps it up - def looks fine.
Is Barlow fit?
Is Zorko injured or recovering?
Don't mind Jacobs - easy draw / dominant ruck at the club and good value.

Any thoughts regarding Goodes or ROK - easy draw to start and either / or will figure all year.

Best asset is potentially have 16 keepers leaving you with enough trades - in an otherwise ideal world.


all of the above. big thing for me is not having swan or pendles, having atleast 1 is a must imo, especially as i don't think you've used the extra cash to benefit greatly elsewhere. but a good base team with potential. good luck. feel free to rate mine under going insane on rate my supercoach board. cheers.


Quote from: ben_020285 on February 13, 2012, 01:58:44 PM
BACKS: Goddard (MID), Scotland (MID), Adcock, Heppell, M Clarke, Bugg, Morris (Allen (MID), Wilkes)
MIDS: Ablett, Murphy, Selwood, Barlow, Zorko (FWD), Shiel (L Brown (DEF), J McDonald)
RUCKS: Mumford, Jacobs (Giles, Stepehnson)
FWDS: Franklin, Goodes (MID), Chapman (MID), N Riewoldt, Brown, Smedts (DEF), Hampton (MID) (Treloar (MID), Walsh)
$58,300 left.

DEF: solid, i dont trust adcocks durability would look at broughton or shaw and you can have 3 in def on rnd 12 bye just means during the bye one will be a donut ( u have to get 2 donuts anyway without dpp rucks its unavoidable). rooks nabcup will help sort out. Nice to see scotland instead of delidion but if fit delidio will play midfield and should have a great season, even with tough draw early i doubt it will effect his scoring, whether in the middle or back.
MID: Solid can't fault it, good rooks. dpp covered.
RUCK: purfect.
FWD: very solid. i went fyfe over chappy but that person very solid fwd line, great rooks again.

Awesome side, dpp byes all considered and good mix of gun/rook with the couple of mid priced fwds, ho NRoo isnt very mid priced.

Would consider shaw/delidio other than saying that team is great GL


Backs: Lovely Mix Just Maybe Get Shaw or Deledio over scotland as he may slow down this year!

Mids: Solid 4/2 Lineup

Rucks: Solid

Forwards: Goodes Seems To Bring It Home In The Second Half Of The Season So Maybe Pick Him Up After The Bye And Look At Zaha instead of Reiwoldt or Chappy

Rating: 8.5

PS- Could You Please Rate Mine Its Called PLEASE RATE MY FIFTH DRAFT!


Thanks all for the comments on my side. I have taken them all on board and made a few changes to my side as follows:

IN: H Shaw, Swan, McEvoy, Zaharakis

OUT: Adcock, Selwood, Mumford, Chapman.

Side now looks like this:

BACKS: Goddard (MID), Scotland (MID), H Shaw, Heppell, M Clarke, Bugg, Morris (Allen (MID), Wilkes)

MIDS: Ablett, Swan, Murphy, Barlow, Zorko (FWD), Shiel (L Brown (DEF), J McDonald)

RUCKS: McEvoy, Jacobs (Giles, Stephenson)

FWDS: Franklin, Goodes (MID), Zaharakis (MID), N Riewoldt, Brown, Smedts (DEF), Hampton (MID) (Treloar (MID), Walsh)

$61,400 left.

Better or worse than original team?

To all those that have commented, I will take the time to rate your side later on today.


better but just was a nice side either way but i'd go with the new one :)



Like the second team - has more balance to it.
Obviously you have taken the risk factor with Brown and Riewoldt together into consideration. If both fire well done but if not  :-[.

Just select the right rookies and you will have a very sound team.


Just couldn't hold my nerve with both N Riewoldt and J Brown in the same team so tweaked it just a little bit to get Chappy back out there.

IN: Fisher, Chapman

OUT: Goddard, N Riewoldt

BACKS: Scotland (MID), H Shaw, Fisher, Heppell, M Clarke, Bugg, Morris (Allen (MID), Wilkes)

MIDS: Ablett, Swan, Murphy, Barlow, Zorko (FWD), Shiel (L Brown (DEF), J McDonald)

RUCKS: McEvoy, Jacobs (Giles, Stephenson)

FWDS: Franklin, Goodes (MID), Chapman (MID), Zaharakis (MID), Brown, Smedts (DEF), Hampton (MID) (Treloar (MID), Walsh)

$32,000 left.

Upgrade targets at this stage are:

BACKS: Goddard, Deledio, Newman
MIDS: Pendlebury
FWDS: Martin, Pavlich or Fyfe

Better or worse than previously stated team?


i would have kept goddard and put scotland out, but  don't because keeping scotland makes you unique and if goddard has a bad run or gets injured you have a massive advantage on the pack, or get goddard for scotland and be the same as all teh rest of us.

As for chappy, the lineup is now better for the change but i wouldnt pick chapstick, again that makes you unique so GOOOD.

Team looks very balanced. GJ, just watch chappy, if he plays, pav and fyfe in nab cup i think fyfe might impress and be worthy of chappys spot. Pav scores better also as a fwd than a mid and there is almost no doubt thats where lyons needs him to play so really keep an eye on him, could be a big season for him with a fit sandi and midfield.


I too would have kept Goddard.

If you are happy to leave Goddard out I would make Chappy Pav to try and compensate for points you will loose by not having Goddard. Think you have enough cash for that selection.