Dan Gorringe - the forgotten ruck

Started by cdonny, February 06, 2012, 03:42:34 PM

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So I love my crazy ruck strategis; 4 rookie, etc...

And I totally forgot about this guy, even though I had him last year (ouch)

But this year, could be different! Is priced nicely at $192K
Last year he was put in a moon boot, leaving him nothing to do but pump iron all year, needless to say...

Has become a MONSTER!

before: http://goldcoastfc.com.au/data/images/team/2011/47_DanielGorringe.jpg
after: https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/s720x720/400882_10150480931065509_68462865508_9039699_2113703599_n.jpg

Word around town is he is going to be tried in the forward line, I can easily see this bloke clunking some marks and kicking goals, as well as getting time in the ruck up fwd, even pinch hitting. Could/Should replace Fraser IMO

Could be the perfect 2nd instead of Hmac, Kreuze, etc.
Or even make the rookie ruck strategy a little more enticing; Orrenson, Giles, Gorringe, Rowe, Dericx, Longer, etc...



Yes but there is still Tom Hickey & Tom Nicholls in that ruck division , and i reckon they will rotate.

Gorringe did take the "greatest non paid mark of all time" (youtube that) v Bulldogs.

Hes a great talent, lucky to have him


Quote from: dswallow24 on February 06, 2012, 05:14:58 PM
Yes but there is still Tom Hickey & Tom Nicholls in that ruck division , and i reckon they will rotate.

Gorringe did take the "greatest non paid mark of all time" (youtube that) v Bulldogs.

Hes a great talent, lucky to have him

I remember that! Totally forgot, show he has the dukes! Tempting... but too much on the line for risks like that