Elite Midfielder Conundrum!!

Started by elephants, February 06, 2012, 01:36:05 AM

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Who to go with as my 3rd midfielder?

13 (27.1%)
4 (8.3%)
3 (6.3%)
4 (8.3%)
4 (8.3%)
12 (25%)
1 (2.1%)
1 (2.1%)
0 (0%)
2 (4.2%)
Dal Santo
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
2 (4.2%)
Someone else???
2 (4.2%)

Total Members Voted: 3


Okay so here we are. My current midfield is...

Swan, Ablett, _____, Rocky or Thommo, Clifton, Shiel (Mitchell, Treloar)

I need to know who to make as third midfielder AND who to go with out of Thommo or Rocky.

Can you guys please whack a vote in the poll for my third mid and leave a comment for Rocky vs Thommo?

Thanking you!

P.S - I can afford ANYONE here. I am looking for the midfielder who will score the most points over the season.


rockliff over thommo because of his mighty ass crazy bonanza second half to the season :)


Quote from: popedelio on February 06, 2012, 01:45:49 AM
rockliff over thommo because of his mighty ass crazy bonanza second half to the season :)
Hahah thanks mate. I think his end of the season was incredulous but Thommo's draw is :o


In a similar situation my self as i'm tossing up for my 3rd mid. My current mid premos are ablett, rocky,________, barlow. Leaning towards selwood this stage as he will probably avg 110-115.

Justin Bieber

You have to go with Marc Murphy. Mr consistant and will dominate this year with Judd getting even more dominated than usual.


let me make you decision easy with a quick number crunch of the players i picked in this thread

rds 13-24 (11 games)
avg: 115.45 sd 19.2
About 3 articles on him that he is going to explode this season

rd 13-24 (11 games)
avg:120.63 sd: 13.55 (REALLY CONSISTENT!!)
didn't score below 100 in this 11 game spread

Both are undervalued for what they can do, finished 2011 with a bang, not much else I can say



I really dont think it matters mate. They all have upsides. Aslong as you have 2 of Ablett Swan and Pendels. The rest will be very even imo. Go with the one you think will play the most games. Someone like Selwood may get a rest going into finals. Guys like Rocky Thomo should play every game. It's pretty much toss a coin between most of the premo's this year, everyone has a different opinion, none can prove they are right untill it's too late haha.
And im only talking the super premo's forget the risky one's like Watson Stanton and those blokes.

The F.A.R.K.

Ok It has to be Thommo. He has stats to back him up for years and then a draw to make you water around the lips. He is also one of the leaders in a young improving side he will surely add a few points to his 2011 average

Rockliff is a no for me. (now i will be a victim of many hate crimes) People can rate him all they want but to be honest I dont want to be taking any risks with my premium midfielders. He is a young midfielder who has had one season of premium. He has one season over 100pts and then after that it is a high 80s. Im sorry but id much rather a midfielder who has years and years of premium years and is in a side that will actually improve. Rockliff will probably end up in my team in years to come but not after one premium season (anyone ever heard of Brian Lake, Ryan Hargrave, Sam Gilbert???) Just coz they have had one good year doesnt mean they are premium for the rest of their life

now for your third mid. If you are playing for byes it makes it difficult but if not cant go past Joel Selwood or even just having pendles and swan


Leaving Rocky out gives you a couple of choices to upgrade to in round 12 if you haven't already, otherwise it's  basically just Boyd. Thomo is only worth getting from the start imo. So if you have Rocky in round 1 and Boyd is spudding it up who is left to upgrade to in round 12? Hmm.
Are you guys planning to have a full 6 premium mid's before the bye's or during?


I think Rocky is my 2nd mid and Selwood is my 3rd cause I'll Captain Rocky more than I'll Captain Selwood. Simple.  :P

The F.A.R.K.

selwood is a freak

remember last year he had that 20 scoring game when he got knocked out and 4 games off for suspension and still blitzed it now he is captain he will be in top 3 dt mids


Okay thanks for the feedback guys.

Tossing up between Pendles and Marc.

I was sold on Rocky when I read popedelio's post then i read FARK and was swayed toward Thommo again.

Currently I have Rocky but that could easily change.



agree with you flame thommo's the one. your midfielders are your prized players who can make or break you. you need

mature, consistent players who have done the hard yards. i'm not saying your rocky's , reddens etc won't be any good,but

i will be goinfg for proven performers for my mids and will take a few risks in other position that might not hurt as much


Quote from: yorgis on February 06, 2012, 09:29:34 PM
agree with you flame thommo's the one. your midfielders are your prized players who can make or break you. you need

mature, consistent players who have done the hard yards. i'm not saying your rocky's , reddens etc won't be any good,but

i will be goinfg for proven performers for my mids and will take a few risks in other position that might not hurt as much

Yeah fair point mate. Thommo is 15k  cheaper too...