Break out year ...

Started by mpollock, February 05, 2012, 07:38:49 PM

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So who will break out this year?

Barlow, Hayes, Didak, Drummond and Brown ... probably only one of these will recapture their best ... Barlow being my choice.

But out of the mid priced avg 50-60 last year players who can go to avg 100+?
So not sold on Dangerfield, C.Ward, Winderlick, Connors, Shuey, Masten etc
Most of these guys have been around a while and have probably peeked in my opinion
Martin and McDonald seem like good cash cows but are basically rookie priced so in another category

For me, Christiansan from Geelong maybe ... any other ideas???  Maybe Scully or Trengrove but they are getting expensive ...

Picking the one from the "Barlow" list is critical to finishing top 100.
Picking the one other mid priced like Christiansan is also critical to finish in the top 100.

I have been top 1000 every year but never top 100 as i never get these two spots correct!!


I reckon Barlow and to some extent, Hayes


Shuey in only his 3rd season after playing a full 22 games last year is far from 'peeking'

Can take the next step I believe and average 105-110.

However value for money comes with risk and these picks have got to be, Lake, Grimes, who can both be Top 10 defenders.

Hayes, Barlow, who again can be Top 10 midfielders.

Brown and both Riewoldts are underpriced when in top form.

To win it you need to have all of these guys I feel and hope that they have a big year are play 20+ games.

BIG bucks requires BIG risk


Drummond to get back to his best will be the key, mark my words