Melbourne supporters league code: (a couple of players need to finish their team

Started by ArthurDent, February 04, 2012, 05:48:39 PM

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Thinking of starting a league for Melbourne supporters only,

expressions of interest???


I'll get involved.

It's an interesting year for Melbourne SC wise.  There are no guns out there (I think Sylvia will drop in price) and no or few quality rookies but a few interesting midpricers.


only melbourne boy I have atm is m.clarke in the forward line

was thinkning about cook for a while, and am thinking about nicholson in the backs, has had a great preseason.

keep an eye on magner and sellar too




last spot, who wants it???, I will update this post when it is gone... so try your luck!!!

Purple 77


I have no leagues remaining, this would have been awesome  :'(

Maybe next year



vour team is incomplete and league entry is tentative only. Your team MUST contain a COMPLETE squad of 30 players at the round 1 lockout. All incomplete teams will be REMOVED and permanently REPLACED in this league with other entries, to form a league of 18 complete teams.

Voodoo and Phoenix, this applies you you guys