My First Team for 2012

Started by Babylove, February 04, 2012, 04:36:37 PM

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Okay so I've finally been able to get my first team for 2012 and was wondering if I could get some opinions on it.

Defenders: B. Goddard, B. Deledio, H. Shaw, G. Broughton, M. Clarke, P. Bower, B. Ellis (L. Brown, B. Wilkes)
Midfielders: S. Pendlebury, G. Ablett, J. Selwood, D. Thomas, K. Stevens, D. Pfeiffer, (D. Shiel D. Zorko)
Rucks: D. Cox, J. Giles (J. Witts, O. Stephenson)
Forwards: L. Franklin, D. Martin, T. Cloke, M. LeCras, A. Didak, J. Porplyzia, A. Treloar (T. Walsh, S. Menegola)

Cash remaining $19,800

Would love some feedback!

specky lecky

Defence is solid. I don't like Clarke though, but thats just me. Ellis, brown and wilkes all nice rookies.

Strong mids, I would take out Thomas though as his starting price is too high. Fyfe, Goodes, Swallow, sloane would all be better options in my opinion. Stevens I really like. Don't have him in my team at the moment as no space, but may use his as a downgrade in the season. Do you think he will start round 1?

Forward line looks good. Bit risky using both porpes and dies though.

Rucks are decent too. Do you think Cox will play like he did last year? Don't know much about Witts.

All in all its a very solid squad. Good luck


Very good team. I like Thomas as a unique, one of the most exciting players in the league and I expect him to up his average to 115. Cox will fall in price but undoubtedly be in the top 2 rucks by years end. Don't like Lecras and Didak though. With the emergence of Shuey and Gaff I don't see an awful lot of midfield time for Lecca and i think Didak will struggle to get midfield time also.


Okay I have updated my team slightly.

Defenders: B. Goddard, B. Deledio, H. Shaw, G. Broughton, M. Clarke, P. Bower, B. Ellis (T. Mohr, B. Wilkes)
Midfielders: S. Pendlebury, G. Ablett, J. Selwood, D. Thomas, K. Stevens, D. Pfeiffer, (L. Brown, D. Zorko)
Rucks: D. Cox, J. Giles (J. Witts, O. Stephenson)
Forwards: L. Franklin, M. Pavlich, D. Martin, T. Cloke, A. Didak, A. Saad, A. Treloar (T. Walsh, S. Menegola)

Cash remaining $7,800

So I downgraded Porplyzia to Saad and upgraded Le Cras to Pavlich.  Saad is cheaper for the same or less risk and allows me a nother premium in my line up. 

I also moved Brown into the midfield as I realized that there were no Mid/Def multi positioned players in my midfield though I have plenty of them in defence, and with that brought in T. Mohr to my defence bench.

Would love some feedback on this updated line up!


I like the addition of Pavlich, I'm expecting 50+ goals from him this year. I'd keep Shiel in the mids though. How about move Pfeiffer to the fwd line in place of Menegola(He'll struggle for games early on).