rate my current team please

Started by Torress, February 04, 2012, 04:30:43 PM

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only really have done this as i read the sticky on how to do it by Jacka33

my team has changed alot  - i'd probably drop murphy or selwood to free some cash to spend in the backline.
but clarke and bower could both be really good cheapies. i'm hoping geary can do the same so therefore only one REAL rookie playing down back. (buntine)

recently got on board christensen - and i sacrificed buddy. got in dids with the excess. AC would of averaged heaps more if he wasn't wearing the vest - and with the geelong departures - varcoe/menzel injured. this guy has got the chance to really step it up forward and midfield. didak i'm actually not real happy he is just there atm!

15k remaining


Love your midfield and your ruck.  Your defence looks a little weak and risky for mine, but not a bad effort.


I would consider downgrading Buntine and/or Didak and grabbing another 1-2 established forwards.  I actually like what you have done with back line.


Good team. i think Didaks best days are behind him, so I'd downgrade him to a rookie. Also downgrade Buntine to a cheaper rookie (Steven Morris for eg.) and than you should have enough money to upgrade Geary to a premium. Great mids, great rucks, lock them in.


thanks for all the replies.
dids for a rookie and downgrade buntine. I'll see what I can get with spare coin.
not sure if I'll have enough to bring someone worth while in but I'll give it a go


I personally think your midfeild is a little Heavy however if your happy with it, my only advise would be to dowgrade Didak to a Rookie and with the spare coin upgrade J, Geary to Heppell (the kids a gold mine).


cheers got in that mature ager morris from tigerland for buntine. this does make sense - but reckon he'll get games? i think that ellis might get his shot and apparently he is good by foot. haven't heard much about morris.

got in izzy falou for dids. got heppel in for geary.

couldn't quite get an established forward of my liking CS. only had 510k to pick one, i'd hypotheticallly start chappy if i could fit him in. if he is up and about could step it back up IMO with the cats list atm. obviously a risky pick with chappy. 


Morris does have competition to get a spot in the team and it is likely that Ellis is ahead of him in the pecking order but he's mature age and it looks like they've identified him to play shut down roles in the backline. So while he won't set the world on fire there's a good chance he'll be a starter most weeks.