Player X vs Player Y thread

Started by Jay, February 04, 2012, 03:31:43 PM

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Thought id start up a thread where people that cant decide which 1 out of 2 (or even 3) players they should select can pos theor dilemma and others can give assistance! Only condition is, you have to answer one before you can post your own! Ill kick it off :D

chapman vs stevieJ vs cyril


Purple 77

Cyril over Chappy over Stevie J! But that is a tough one. Stevie J has hurt me before, so I'm bias there

J Brown v N Riewoldt v A Didak?


Cyril over StevieJ over Chappy

JB over Roo over Didak


Mummy vs Sandi vs Goldstein

Purple 77

Sandilands (fit) over Mummy over Goldstein...


Quote from: Purple 77 on February 04, 2012, 03:49:21 PM

Cyril over Chappy over Stevie J! But that is a tough one. Stevie J has hurt me before, so I'm bias there

J Brown v N Riewoldt v A Didak?
browny in that one mate

Quote from: MC on February 04, 2012, 03:51:48 PM
Cyril over StevieJ over Chappy

JB over Roo over Didak


Mummy vs Sandi vs Goldstein
Sandi over mummy over goldstein

Purple 77



Quote from: Purple 77 on February 04, 2012, 03:56:09 PM

H Shaw v G Broughton
Too close to call...broughton JUST!!!

Quote from: ando_10 on February 04, 2012, 04:02:09 PM
Quote from: Purple 77 on February 04, 2012, 03:56:09 PM

H Shaw v G Broughton


Pavlich vs Fyfe
pav easily mate

Heppel vs broughton vs shaw (can choose 2)


Heppel > won't get suspended, ultra consistent.
Broughton > highest ceiling, suspect to role change due to flexibility.
Shaw > in leadership group but is a knob, you know what you gonna get.

I think these players will eventually work their way into your team come upgrade time.  In terms of who is best starting pick, hard to say depends how you use remaining funds.

Shaw you know what you gonna get.  Probably can buy all these guys cheap at some stage.


 stevieJ over cyril over chapman (purely injury related)

J Brown over N Riewoldt over A Didak (didak killed me last year, Nroo cries too much)

Goldstein over Sandi over Mummy (if sandi is over the injury)

H Shaw over G Broughton (until Round 18 when heater does something stuoid again, i already have reserved a trade for him later)

Pavlich over Fyfe (only because he is playing up front this year)

shaw over broughton over Heppel  (see above)

Lids V Scotland V Goddard


Quote from: charliesheen on February 04, 2012, 04:09:03 PM
Heppel > won't get suspended, ultra consistent.
Broughton > highest ceiling, suspect to role change due to flexibility.
Shaw > in leadership group but is a knob, you know what you gonna get.

I think these players will eventually work their way into your team come upgrade time.  In terms of who is best starting pick, hard to say depends how you use remaining funds.

Shaw you know what you gonna get.  Probably can buy all these guys cheap at some stage.
no doubt ill have all three in my team by years end...will problystart off with hep and greg with shaw as.the.upgrade target
Quote from: tabs on February 04, 2012, 04:13:11 PM
stevieJ over cyril over chapman (purely injury related)

J Brown over N Riewoldt over A Didak (didak killed me last year, Nroo cries too much)

Goldstein over Sandi over Mummy (if sandi is over the injury)

H Shaw over G Broughton (until Round 18 when heater does something stuoid again, i already have reserved a trade for him later)

Pavlich over Fyfe (only because he is playing up front this year)

shaw over broughton over Heppel  (see above)

Lids V Scotland V Goddard
god over lids over heath

may i ask why youd choose shaw over both greg and dyson?


Quote from: Jayman on February 04, 2012, 04:23:16 PM
Quote from: charliesheen on February 04, 2012, 04:09:03 PM
Heppel > won't get suspended, ultra consistent.
Broughton > highest ceiling, suspect to role change due to flexibility.
Shaw > in leadership group but is a knob, you know what you gonna get.

I think these players will eventually work their way into your team come upgrade time.  In terms of who is best starting pick, hard to say depends how you use remaining funds.

Shaw you know what you gonna get.  Probably can buy all these guys cheap at some stage.
no doubt ill have all three in my team by years end...will problystart off with hep and greg with shaw as.the.upgrade target
Quote from: tabs on February 04, 2012, 04:13:11 PM
stevieJ over cyril over chapman (purely injury related)

J Brown over N Riewoldt over A Didak (didak killed me last year, Nroo cries too much)

Goldstein over Sandi over Mummy (if sandi is over the injury)

H Shaw over G Broughton (until Round 18 when heater does something stuoid again, i already have reserved a trade for him later)

Pavlich over Fyfe (only because he is playing up front this year)

shaw over broughton over Heppel  (see above)

Lids V Scotland V Goddard
god over lids over heath

may i ask why youd choose shaw over both greg and dyson?

Broughton over Shaw over Heppell
Coniglio, Shiel, McDonald (All GWS)

Purple 77

Broughton over Shaw over Heppell

Goddard over Deledio over Scotland

McDonald over Shiel over Coniglio (Coniglio too expensive)


Quote from: specky92 on February 04, 2012, 04:43:19 PM
Quote from: Jayman on February 04, 2012, 04:23:16 PM
Quote from: charliesheen on February 04, 2012, 04:09:03 PM
Heppel > won't get suspended, ultra consistent.
Broughton > highest ceiling, suspect to role change due to flexibility.
Shaw > in leadership group but is a knob, you know what you gonna get.

I think these players will eventually work their way into your team come upgrade time.  In terms of who is best starting pick, hard to say depends how you use remaining funds.

Shaw you know what you gonna get.  Probably can buy all these guys cheap at some stage.
no doubt ill have all three in my team by years end...will problystart off with hep and greg with shaw as.the.upgrade target
Quote from: tabs on February 04, 2012, 04:13:11 PM
stevieJ over cyril over chapman (purely injury related)

J Brown over N Riewoldt over A Didak (didak killed me last year, Nroo cries too much)

Goldstein over Sandi over Mummy (if sandi is over the injury)

H Shaw over G Broughton (until Round 18 when heater does something stuoid again, i already have reserved a trade for him later)

Pavlich over Fyfe (only because he is playing up front this year)

shaw over broughton over Heppel  (see above)

Lids V Scotland V Goddard
god over lids over heath

may i ask why youd choose shaw over both greg and dyson?

Broughton over Shaw over Heppell
Coniglio, Shiel, McDonald (All GWS)
shiel over mcdonald over coniglio


Franklin vs cyril vs steveJ vs pav vs chappy vs d-mart can choose 3 :P


Quote from: Jayman on February 04, 2012, 04:23:16 PM
god over lids over heath

may i ask why youd choose shaw over both greg and dyson?

Heater is good for about 18 weeks until he either goes missing or does something stupid. Then he refinds his form for the finals.

I Had Heppell all of last year but as a pure back not really interested.

Shiel over McDonald over Coniglio

steveJ over Franklin over pav over cyril over chappy over d-mart - my reasoning in juries and MArtin doesnt have a good draw to start the season. Looking to pick him up around R5-8