Old Reliable Players

Started by LF, February 03, 2012, 10:29:43 PM

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Some players that we have picked over the years for their great scoring ability in Dream Team that are now a wee bit older or have been injured or had a bad year last year.

Dream team averages for 2007-2011
Games missed since 1999 is 6 only 1 of these was though suspension.
2012 Dream team price $491.000 has DPP foward/Midfield

Goodes usually has a slow start to the season and is a usually a great upgrade target for many coaches as his second half of the year is usually great.
Last year was his best Dream Team average ever.
Having only missed a total of 6 games since 1999 he has great durability  which is what most Dream Team coaches are looking for.
Is he capable of pulling some more great scores this year?
Do some of you consider he is now too old and are looking to some of the younger players instead.
For me personally i will consider him as an upgrade target as i did last year.

AGE: 28 turning 29
Dream Team Average 2007-2011
Games missed since 2006 5
2012 Dream Team Price $485.000 Midfielder

Montagna`s season last year was not good.Will the return of Hayes help him get back or will a new coach help?
Can Joey get back to his 2009 and 2010 averages.
I will not be taking him at the price he is at currently.I will however keep my eye on him during the pre-season and see how he is going for a few games.

AGE:30 turning 31
Dream Team Average 2007-2011
Games missed since 2007 19 in his career he has only played 22 games in 2003,2004 and 2006
2012 Dream Team Price $505.300 has  DPP Forward/Midfield

Chapman is one of those players that can pull some awesome scores he is a fantasy coaches dream only averaging under 100 in 2008.
A lot of coaches get put off him because of his past injury problems and has burned those that have been playing Dream Team for awhile and some coaches refuse to pick him because of this.
Can you look past his age and past problems for a player that possibly will average 100 again this year with the bonus of DPP foward/midfield.
I personally will not pick him up because i am one of those coaches that got burned by him.

AGE:31 turning 32
Dream Team Average 2007-2011
Games Missed since 2006 7
2012 Dream Team Price $493.500 DPP Back/Midfield

Had his best average since 2007 had a few bad scoring games last year but he seemed to find his way into quite a few teams.
He was really one of the best scoring backs last year and with DPP back/mid i`m quite sure he`ll be in quite a few teams this year as well.
I am looking at him again this year.Scotland was an upgrade target for me last year and he didn`t disappoint unfortunately other players in my leagues had the same idea.

AGE:30 turning 31
Dream Team Average 2007-2011
Games Missed since 2007 9 previous to this he had only missed 1 game between 2001 and 2007.
2012 Dream Team Price $466.200 DPP Forward/Midfield

Pavlich had a fairly good year last year in a team ravaged by injury.
Has a pretty consistant 90+ average.He is very durable player as well only missing 9 games some of which (seasoned Dream Team coaches know) were just for a rest not for injury.
With the Dockers getting a new coach will Dream Team coaches finally get their prays answered and will Pav be moved to CHF where he gets his best Dream Team scores.
I for one will be grabbing Pav as i have done for the past few years.I`m tossing up do i start with him or do i upgrade to him like i did last year.

AGE:30 turning 31
Dream Team Average 2007-2011
Games Missed since 2007 19 18 of these games were 2010 and 2011.Previous to that 2001-2007 he missed 41.
2012 Dream Team Price $331.400 Forward

Jonathan Brown is currently sitting on 198 games 2 shy of his 200.
He is a great marking forward who plays up the ground on occasion and he can pull some awesome scores.
His downside is his various injuries.His facial injury in particular is the main one because he likes to get in to get the ball at all costs.
But at his price can you afford not to take him?
I`m considering him this year but so are a lot of other coaches.

AGE:30 turning 31
Dream Team Average2007-2011
Games Missed since 2006 4
2012 Dream Team Price $454.600 Back

Enright is a play who finds his way into most teams.
He has great durability and seems to be getting better as he ages having a great 2010 and 2011 with his highest scoring averages.
Having only missed 4 games since 2006 is also very appealing for us coaches.
Can he pull out another year of averaging 90+?
Will you pick him in your team or are you going with one of the younger up and coming defenders.
I will be considering him this year.He is another player i`m not sure i`ll start with or possibly upgrade to.

AGE:29 turning 30
Dream Team Average 2007-2011
2012 Dream Team Price $573.800 Midfield
Games Missed since 2006 2

Boyd is a player you`ll find in most teams.
His 100+ average over the past 3 years puts him up there as one of the premo midfielders and is often used as captain for many coaches and last year he had his biggest average for his career.
He is another player who appeals to coaches for his durability with only 2 games missed since 2006.
With so many great midfielders will you pick him this year?
I`ve reaped the benefit of Boyd`s great scoring for the last 3 seasons he has been my first picked midfielder.But with so many great midfielders i`m not sure whether he will fit into my team.

AGE:33 turning 34
Dream Team Average 2007-2011
Games Missed since 2003 9  7 of which were in 2009
2012 Dream Team Price $435.700  DPP Forward/Midfield

Not much to say about Harvey.
He is a great player he has great durability and his DPP mid/fwd is very handy.
I personally won`t be picking him this year there are too many forwards i think can score better than him.Also he has had better Super Coach averages for the past 2 years.

AGE:30 turning 31
Dream Team Average 2007-2011
Games Missed since 2004 17 9 of which were in 2009 and 5 games in 2006 3 games in 2007
2012 Dream Team Price $532.000 Ruck

Last year was his best average ever.He was the top scoring ruckman by a mile with a total of 2366 Goldstein was next with 2087.
He is not only a great a ruck he also moves around the ground like a midfielder gathering possesions and kicking goals and is also thrown down forward on occassion where he can mark and goal.
After a poor 2010 due to carrying an injury many coaches wondered will Coxy get back to his best?His price last year was also very appealing.
To all of those that picked him we were re-payed with some great scores some even using him as captain.
Can you look past a player that has averaged over 100 for 4 out of the last 5 years?
I`m only put off by Coxy this year because of his price.If i can fit him into my team i will.I think he can still average 100 this year.

AGE:29 turning 30
Dream Team Average 2007-2011
Games Missed since 2007 16  11 of which were in 2010 when he did his knee.Previous to that he`d missed 8 games in 2005 has played 22 games in 2002,2003,2004 and 2006.
2012 Dream Team Price $416.700 Forward

Riewoldt had a terrible season last year not sure if part of that was the Saints off field antics.
He was continuely getting double teamed and could not break away from them.He wasn`t taking marks like he used to either and his goal kicking was also off.He burned a lot of coaches last season.
I won`t be picking him this year i think his price is too high and there are better performing forwards.I will still keep my eye on him during the season you never know he might return to his 2007,2008 and 2009 average.


I`m going to add some more players later :)


Heath Scotland has to be one.


I like Goodes, might just get him....



What about good old J Brown? Could be in for a stellar year. Legend in my books
Could get back to 2009 scoring.


Quote from: fivestarmd on February 03, 2012, 11:30:28 PM
What about good old J Brown? Could be in for a stellar year. Legend in my books
Could get back to 2009 scoring.

already on my list :)


enright and boyd should definitely be there

and any love for brent harvey ?


Quote from: Jimbo_11 on February 04, 2012, 12:03:59 AM
enright and boyd should definitely be there

and any love for brent harvey ?

yes to all of them but i can only do a few at a time  :)


Quote from: luvfooty on February 04, 2012, 12:10:49 AM
Quote from: Jimbo_11 on February 04, 2012, 12:03:59 AM
enright and boyd should definitely be there

and any love for brent harvey ?

yes to all of them but i can only do a few at a time  :)
hahah brilliant job youre doing here!!


Quote from: Jimbo_11 on February 04, 2012, 12:12:13 AM
Quote from: luvfooty on February 04, 2012, 12:10:49 AM
Quote from: Jimbo_11 on February 04, 2012, 12:03:59 AM
enright and boyd should definitely be there

and any love for brent harvey ?

yes to all of them but i can only do a few at a time  :)
hahah brilliant job youre doing here!!


pavs nose

i reckon montag will get back to 110 ave this year but he pissed me off so much last year that i cant have him


Any more players that you want some past stats on let me know  :)


NRoo perhaps? Turning 30 this year... Do you think he can get his average around the 90 mark? If so, he's in (I think...)

the flying hawk

Wow great write up luvfooty!

I thought about having montagna this year, but i was burnt with him last year (not worth money last year) so my opinion on him is biased, what do you guys think about him?