FF SC League Full .... thanks for joining

Started by Colliwobblers, February 02, 2012, 03:51:50 AM

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Hi All, I have created a private league for SC and want to invite any members of the FF community.

Rank doesn't matter but participation does, want to set the league up to have members of FF not in the other leagues involved throughout the season and get to know each other through the league, nothing too serious but want all participants to participate in the league.



Hi Colliwobblers, Count me in.
I am in the DT Banter league, but not in any SC league.


I will be more than happy to join your league


invites sent to all below, any one else want in let me know.


8 spots left in SC league for any and all FF members who are in for a full season in a SC league.


Still need 10 for this league let me knwo if interested or I might have to disband and the 8 of us in it can join another league


what overall are you looking at? i mean what did you and others in this league finish last season i finished 7,000 odd


Quote from: littleblueboy2906 on February 12, 2012, 05:23:04 PM
what overall are you looking at? i mean what did you and others in this league finish last season i finished 7,000 odd

no idea really, i started SC last season (in round 3) wont the league and still finished 19K. So did ok expect a finish this season in the top 1000 with luck top 10K without luck :)

everyone in the league is serious or seriously interested in SC so it will be a good league but I didnt check or ask for rankings just keen players.



Quote from: alex87 on February 13, 2012, 02:22:33 PM
I'm keen! I dabble in both SC and DT.

Hi Alex87, sorry the DT league is full but you are welcome in the SC league code is 288272


code added for all FF members 288272, we have 7 spots left to fill


down to 3 spots left in this league FF Members and trusted friends only


I will probably join just need to check how I am going with leagues and whether a work league is being established when I get back to work Wednesday.


i am very interested in joining!!

i am also very keen on supercoach so i hope to join ur league!


Just joined and looks like a filled the last place as league is now full.