Most premiums

Started by AndrewY, January 25, 2012, 10:45:12 PM

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Has anyone been able to get more tham 14 premiums ( as decided by fan planner system )? Just wondering if round 1 can be started with a "super premium" base of 15 or more. I get the cash cow / upgrade logic...just seeing what can be done by a brave selector.


you could get 15 just, i have 14 christensen and conca, if i downgraded one of them could upgrade the other for 15, mind you i may have cheated by counting barlow as a premium, but come on he is right?

Could still make 15 anyway if i upgraded barlow and christensen and downgraded conca, quite comfortable becasue i have a fair few very high priced premiums like swan.

But trying to get to 15 or 16 starting premiums would only serve i think to miss the few potentially must have mid pricers and in getting to hte 15 or 16 you would likely also have to choose cheaper "premiums" to get the number of them up, which isnt the best idea i think... just my 2 cents tho.


Thanks CW. Are all those premiums counted in the automatic system count? That takes out the subjective guess.


i got 15 best and if include browny its 16 and he is the only midpricer ;D
im looking at making 6 upgrades to have my team set even though those premiums r the most expensive at the moment they could drop in price nd make it easier


15 on the system count.? picker man that is a great effort.


cheers m8, it'll leave me once i do my 6 upgrades as
heppell 7th back
thompson 6th mid
mumford 2nd rtuck
browny 7th fwd
it was the 2nd team i put together ive swapped players in nd out with comments on here but nothing seems to beat that team ive just got 2 stop worrying bout comments nd stick to it haha
so yeah it can b done ;D


Quote from: AndrewY on January 25, 2012, 10:51:47 PM
Thanks CW. Are all those premiums counted in the automatic system count? That takes out the subjective guess.

On the fan planner I'm 13 it does count Barlow as a midpricer. It counts Hanley as a midpricer too must be right on the border


how do u tell mayb what i think is a premo wnt b


Quote from: picker_man on January 25, 2012, 11:19:57 PM
how do u tell mayb what i think is a premo wnt b

Structure: 3/2/4/0 - 3/1/1/3 - 2/0/1/1 - 4/1/0/4 = 12/4/6/8 (in the format of premium/mid/cheap/rookie for each position)

Byes: 3/2/4 - 4/3/1 - 2/2/0 - 3/4/2 = 12/11/7 (in the format of R11/R12/R13)


Quote from: Colliwobblers on January 25, 2012, 11:20:38 PM
Quote from: picker_man on January 25, 2012, 11:19:57 PM
how do u tell mayb what i think is a premo wnt b

Structure: 3/2/4/0 - 3/1/1/3 - 2/0/1/1 - 4/1/0/4 = 12/4/6/8 (in the format of premium/mid/cheap/rookie for each position)

Byes: 3/2/4 - 4/3/1 - 2/2/0 - 3/4/2 = 12/11/7 (in the format of R11/R12/R13)

thats my team with hanley in it, the one with adcock or broughton goes to 13 premiums.


Scarey to go up against a 15 premium team in round one  I reckon. If the right ones should be top of the league ladders for a while.


oh ok i find it yeah i had barlow as one and browny aint so its 14 but that is only going of price were picking midpricers based on us thinking they will b premos so i dont think it realy has that much substance


Quote from: AndrewY on January 25, 2012, 11:22:42 PM
Scarey to go up against a 15 premium team in round one  I reckon. If the right ones should be top of the league ladders for a while.

Not really I would love to play against a 15 premiums team in the first few rounds.
1) Quite a few of the premium will be at the lower end and the 15 cheapies and rookies will need to be the cheapest possible rather than what it is needed. 
15 premium = def 450k x 4, mids 550 x 5, Ruc 500x2 For 480x4 Total $7,470k
15 cheapest = $85,800 x 15 =$1,287K
Total value $8,755
Money left 25,000
No room for a decent rookie. this team will have lots of donuts and find it difficult to upgrade


I have 15 i plan to be keepers but the last 3 are Conca, Brown, Dangerfield

So simple maths means i need 7 upgrades to complete my team


i have 13 premiums plus grimes, barlow and brown who can hopefully end up as D7, M6 and F7 respectively