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New Rule Query

Started by owenbond007, January 13, 2012, 12:41:08 PM

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Just thinking on strategy coming into the bye round and had a good idea but not sure if i will be able to do it. Okay so you can trade a centre like mcdonald out for a forward cloke and move a zorko into the middle. But can you take this one step further. Just say i wanted to trade mcdonald out for heath shaw but have no B/C can i do it by moving zorko to middle then smedts (starting as a back) to forward and Shaw takes his role in back. Is it possible?


Good question.

Id imagine so as long as you did it all b4 trading in another player i guess, If you traded mcdonald out moved zorko to the mid then smedts forward and traded a back in you think that would work unless they have restricted it to moving a player only to the position vacant by  the trade.

A nice loop hole if thats not what was intended by the rule though  ;)


it's not really against what was intended by the rules- if anything something more complex than that could have been what they were intending. You might even be able to do really interesting things

Like trade Mcdonald, move zorko to the centre, then move rowe to the forward line, move Lever into your ruck, then trade in shaw in your defence :P


it's too hard to do on the FP, but could someone with AC see if the doughnuts in the bye rounds can be avoided this way?


looking to do the same trade rowe from ur forward line into the ruck(dont have ruck d/p) and move giles or orren out of for a forward.


i got same strat with rucks cox sandy giles orren. moving rowe in ruck and up or downgrading orren or giles. but that will still leave me one short in round 13. cant be avoided unless u had a 2nd dual with bye in r13 and get rid of both giles and orren then the donut might be able to be avoided. No that wont work either.

The idea i came up was more to structre my team better before the buy rounds cause i like the looks of a fair few rookies that have byes in round 11


Quote from: boschie12 on January 13, 2012, 05:57:58 PM
looking to do the same trade rowe from ur forward line into the ruck(dont have ruck d/p) and move giles or orren out of for a forward.

What's the difference in doing that, compared to selling Giles/Orren to Rowe and selling whichever forward it is to whoever your upgrade target is - as per usual?

I think the new trading rule largely has benefit in starting with someone in a dual position and getting an early upgrade in via the new trading rule. I'm trying to start with a rookie M/F in midfield who hopefully I can move into the forward line once a cash cow has matured. But I think later in the season, most trading is double trading so I don't see it making much of a difference. I might be wrong, though, I'm sure there's many strategies out there and if you want to do well you have to use every advantage available.


Quote from: Ziplock on January 13, 2012, 05:06:32 PM
it's not really against what was intended by the rules- if anything something more complex than that could have been what they were intending. You might even be able to do really interesting things

Like trade Mcdonald, move zorko to the centre, then move rowe to the forward line, move Lever into your ruck, then trade in shaw in your defence :P

My head hurts  :P


According to the first DT Talk episode this type of manouvering is on the cards  :)