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Started by Cyrus, January 12, 2012, 09:09:59 AM

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just to let people know i have been reported for cheating, I'm more than unhappy with this and the N00b that bought 2 of my players i told to ask for help in the forums and that he had in fact payed too much for them, I do know who reported me but i wont go into it any further, i know it looks suss but i cant be held responsible for what other ppl do.

I know people are entitled to think what they want and i hope this clears up any ill feelings towards me


All looks fine to me, you did ask for him to buy your player at the end there, but you were truthful in saying not to overpay.


Quote from: PowerBug on January 12, 2012, 10:39:24 AM
All looks fine to me, you did ask for him to buy your player at the end there, but you were truthful in saying not to overpay.
only did that cos he ask me to let him know if i sold more


Big Al's Boys Transfer History

The only 2 players this guy had bought (before yesterday) were your players Cyrus and they were massive overpays. Then you also has a poor/poor 16yo listed on the market and Big Al had the leading bid at a massive $70k. I'm sure people can understand the suspicions involved.

If I had someone massively overbidding on my players I would immediately report it to the mods to ensure there would be no suspicions towards me.

I don't apologise for this Cyrus. I'm not here to make friends - I'm here to ensure that people are playing the game fairly, as I pay my hard earned $$$ to play this game and  don't want to be getting an unfair advantage.


Quote from: Bazinga on January 12, 2012, 10:53:27 AM
Big Al's Boys Transfer History

The only 2 players this guy had bought (before yesterday) were your players Cyrus and they were massive overpays. Then you also has a poor/poor 16yo listed on the market and Big Al had the leading bid at a massive $70k. I'm sure people can understand the suspicions involved.

If I had someone massively overbidding on my players I would immediately report it to the mods to ensure there would be no suspicions towards me.

I don't apologise for this Cyrus. I'm not here to make friends - I'm here to ensure that people are playing the game fairly, as I pay my hard earned $$$ to play this game and  don't want to be getting an unfair advantage.


Cyrus you said you knew who reported you. Does that mean when you report someone, the person you report is told that you reported them?
I thought it would be anonymous...


Quote from: CrowsFan on January 12, 2012, 11:23:06 AM
Cyrus you said you knew who reported you. Does that mean when you report someone, the person you report is told that you reported them?
I thought it would be anonymous...
It is CF, I think he meant he could work it out...


Ah right. Cos I have reported cheating before, no one on here, but it was something like some youth player with no skill above poor being sold for a milllion and the 2 guys had the same IP, and didn't want them to find out I had done it haha ;)


Quote from: Bazinga on January 12, 2012, 10:53:27 AM
Big Al's Boys Transfer History

The only 2 players this guy had bought (before yesterday) were your players Cyrus and they were massive overpays. Then you also has a poor/poor 16yo listed on the market and Big Al had the leading bid at a massive $70k. I'm sure people can understand the suspicions involved.

If I had someone massively overbidding on my players I would immediately report it to the mods to ensure there would be no suspicions towards me.

I don't apologise for this Cyrus. I'm not here to make friends - I'm here to ensure that people are playing the game fairly, as I pay my hard earned $$$ to play this game and  don't want to be getting an unfair advantage.
i too pay money to play and if you want to go around accusing ppl then thats up to you but what i get showerty about is you didnt even speak to me about it you just go running of to the mods, if you had of asked i would have shown you the msg i sent him telling him he spent too much, as for the over pays i over payed for players when i first started too not as much as he has but it is easy to do when you are trying to learn, im sure im not alone here when it comes to overpaying?
as for not making friends then you need to rethink being on FF because thats what i think the whole reason behind these forums is, to have fun and make friends, not drive people away because you have a god complex and are a want to be FTP mod, do that shower else where or apply to be a mod, but leave me out of this, its not the first time we've had problems in this area i had the mods can my sons team because of you accusations and the fact it didn't sit well with me being labeled a cheat. Maybe you need to learn you dont shoot first ask later leave that for the Victorian police force.
and just to make it clear if i haven't already:
I Cyrus of FF and FTP don't cheat, have never cheated and will never cheat, and have no intention of cheating.
If you can't get that through your thick adolescent head you can redacted


Quote from: CrowsFan on January 12, 2012, 11:23:06 AM
Cyrus you said you knew who reported you. Does that mean when you report someone, the person you report is told that you reported them?
I thought it would be anonymous...
not hard to work out when baz visits both teams and the next 2 people to visit are a mod and ash then i get please explain msg's from ash


That's quite enough of this thread.