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Help, login question?

Started by dmac07, December 30, 2011, 05:04:28 PM

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Ok so I'm sure this probably the wrong place for this but couldn't think of where I should put it.

Since I joined this site I've only ever been able to log in from the forums, and post in the forums. If I go to player discussion, or the main page, or game day feeds I am logged out.

Also, if I attempt to log in from player discussion, front page or game day feeds I am given a message that my account login is incorrect or does not exist. My account login is definately not incorrect as inbetween times I have made hundreds of posts in the forums.

Does anyone know why the forums is the only place my account will allow me into? Or does anyone know how to fix this?

I mostly ask because I would like to use the fanplanner now that prices have been released.

Thanks to anyone that can help me!


You should post this in the feedback section. But basically the answer is you need a separate account for the rest of the site.
So you need to have 2 accounts. 1 for the forums and 1 for the main site ;)


^ basically.

the system is a bit weird... :P
