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Byes Strategy

Started by Ringo, December 23, 2011, 09:48:56 AM

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Quote from: Hoggyz_a_legend on January 06, 2012, 12:50:11 PM
Would you advise against having an 8/11/11 structure going into round 1? I only need to switch two players from round 11 to round 12 and I'm set. I just don't know if I should stick with my current formation or not.

The structure is only important come the bye rounds not at round 1.  With GWS having bye in r11, you probably need to start with an 11/11/8 or something similar.  Then you'll start trading your cash cows out (quite a few gws i'd expect) and get closer to the 8/11/11 as you go along.


Quote from: PICCOLLO on January 13, 2012, 07:46:51 PM
Quote from: Hoggyz_a_legend on January 06, 2012, 12:50:11 PM
Would you advise against having an 8/11/11 structure going into round 1? I only need to switch two players from round 11 to round 12 and I'm set. I just don't know if I should stick with my current formation or not.

The structure is only important come the bye rounds not at round 1.  With GWS having bye in r11, you probably need to start with an 11/11/8 or something similar.  Then you'll start trading your cash cows out (quite a few gws i'd expect) and get closer to the 8/11/11 as you go along.

100% piccolo thats right me will be even worse more like 14-8-8 the GWS rooks are just too good to pass up so im planning on trading to upgrade / downgrade 6 round 11 players by round 11 to get the structure right. possible i think.


Agree with both Colli and Pic You are asking for trouble if you try and set your byes up from Round 1.  Only advice I will give is try to avoid any more than 2 prems in the same line on the same bye week. eg only 2 defenders with Round 11 byes etc.

At the moment my team is 11/9/10 with 5 of 10 in Round 13 in Defence to give you an example.


Quote from: Ringo on January 22, 2012, 11:17:07 AM
Agree with both Colli and Pic You are asking for trouble if you try and set your byes up from Round 1.  Only advice I will give is try to avoid any more than 2 prems in the same line on the same bye week. eg only 2 defenders with Round 11 byes etc.

At the moment my team is 11/9/10 with 5 of 10 in Round 13 in Defence to give you an example.

spot on with the 2 premium(keepers) per round per line (except ruck) Ringo, the only place i break the rule is with a midpriced defender and at his price if he becomes a keeper and i cop a donut for him, it wont matter because in beoming a keeper at his price ill be miles in front and money for his inital cost and for his scoring high enough to be a keeper over a rooks scoring.

if that makes sense...


Quote from: Ringo on January 22, 2012, 11:17:07 AM
Agree with both Colli and Pic You are asking for trouble if you try and set your byes up from Round 1.  Only advice I will give is try to avoid any more than 2 prems in the same line on the same bye week. eg only 2 defenders with Round 11 byes etc.

At the moment my team is 11/9/10 with 5 of 10 in Round 13 in Defence to give you an example.

Sorry Ringo this is from another thread same topic, just wondering if it makes sense to you and what your thoughts are?

There are a couple of points to make about the byes.

1. the structure leading into the byes needs to be 8-11-11. this doesnt need to be the setup from round 1 just from round 11.

you then make no trades round 11. you trade 3 out round 12 with round 11 players. (11-8-11)

you trade 3 out round 13 ( ?-?-8) this way you only evver have the 8 players each round on the bye, providing that all other players you have a re playing you have all those 8 on the bench you get no donuts.

2. no donuts wont happen because it is almost impossible to expect every player you have to be playing during these three rounds, with zero backup (all other players 8 on bench are on byes).

3. this plan will only work if you DO NOT PICK ANYMORE KEEPERS THAN 2 IN EACH d/m/f line on the same bye.

for example, if you have goddard, scotland and delidio in your backline- you either have to trade one out before round 13 or accept a donut for one of them during round 13.

same if you have swan penleds and jelwood in the mids, one must be traded out before round 12 or you must accept a donut for them.

* this is where the dilemna starts and you must ask yourself which option you prefer.

1. start with the best premiums and ignore byes, = then =

a) take donuts for them during byes or (cost you no trades but may cost you having the best premiums from the start)
b) trade them out before byes to avoid donuts, = then =

b1) trade them back in after byes ( this has cost you 2 trades per premium) or
b2) keep them out of your side and keep the premium you traded in for them before the bye. ( this costs you 1 trade per premium but means you give up the premium you thought best for the second half of the season)

2. You start with balanced premiums that work for the byes and do not have to sideways trade them or take donuts for them, but you may want to in order to get the better premiums you didnt pick because of byes in later or you simply ugreade rooks to those premiums as you go.

either way the options under 1. allow you higher scoring for having the best premiums and may cost you 2 or 3 donuts (extra) at most. SO do the "best" premiums score more than the donuts they may cost you over the first 10 rounds??
And Or the option 1 options may cost you a lot of trades in sideways trading premiums out and possibly back in, this means YOU BETTER have balanced rooks by those rounds because you will be using all your bye round trades on the premiums.

Option 2 you don't have the best premium neccessarily on the field but you dont have to trade any premiums out over the three rounds, all your trade leading up to the byes and during them are to upgrade and downgrade rooks (which is kinda preferable to a sideways trade that avoids nothing other than avoiding a bye donut)

Me I am looking to go option 1 a) pick the best and dont trade them out cop a donut for them (if they are flying if not i will sideways trade and avoid the donut if possible (keeping in mind all the rooks have to be balanced by then also so trades will not be in great supply)

For my team at the moment this will mean a donut in def and a donut in forwards (or a premium trade required) DEF in round 13. FWD in round 12.

My rucks and mids will be spread to not need any premium trading over the byes.


this is with my rucks it works out different with different rucks / and working on a 8-11-11 structure coming into round 11.

* ok so having 8 on the bench means no donut right? wrong.

say you have burger/sandi giles/stephensen  11-12-11-12 (byes)

in round 11 you have 2 on the bench (with bye) and 6 (with bye) in total from all the other lines to go on 6 bench spots
in round 12 you have 2 on the bench (with bye) and 6 (with bye) in total from all the other lines to go on 6 bench spots
in round 13 you have 0 on the bench (with bye) and 8 (with bye) in total from all the other lines to go on 6 bench spots

with this set up of rucks you HAVE TO take 2 donuts in round 13

WHY? because with the 8-11-11 structure as described above you HAVE TO trade out 3 round 13 players to avoid donuts, so you dont have any trades to fix this.

I THINK the only option to deal with this problem is DPP rucks and that means bid risks in scoring potential of your rucks.

What this means for my team is my round 13 defender premium is 1 compulsory donut (yay)
my round 12 forward is a (non-compulsory-extra) donut (boo)
i also get my second compulsory donut in round 13.

So some people (who do not use a dpp ruck strategy will get 2 donuts only where i have chosen to get an extra 1 by having 3 premium round 12 bye forward. I cant fix this as i have explained due to the ruck set up.

My only other option to cut my donuts to 2 is to remove the 3rd round 12 bye premium forward i have and not take that optional extra donut.

Hope this all makes some sense and more importantly i hope it is correct and i hope even more if it is not someone will correct it.


Hey Colli still doing my head in with the byes and this will probably be the discussion right up to round 11. 

Nothing wrong with what you have written either from other post.

I think we both know that the bottom line at the moment is it is virtually impossible to avoid one or 2 donuts. Have heard a rumour that rules may be amended for the byes due to this problem so we wait and see.


 Am I right in thinking there is a way to work out a way to limit the doughnut damage by just using the 26 other positions onfield? (discounting the four rucks)

so, using the backline as an example (purely because the rules for Fwd/Def are the same with the 7 onfield & 2 reserves)

Round 11
Def: (R13) (R13) (R13) (R13) (R12) (R12) (R12) -- [R11] [R11]

  Round 12
Def: (R13) (R13) (R13) (R13)(R11) (R11) (R11) -- [R12] [R12]

  Round 13
Def: (R12) (R12) (R11/R12) (R11) (R11) (R11) (R13) -- [R13] [R13]

Bold = Keeper
Red = Trade Out
Green = Trade In
Strikethrough = Doughnut

That would have 2 trades for Fwd/Def and eventuate in an upgrade of one of the R13 players to a R11/R12 premo ideally. You could also decide when to cop the doughnut later in the season, all the way up to Round 11, leaving you with backout options for injury.. this is the technique where you have "compulsory byes" yes?
If I'm wrong feel free to point it out because I'm rather over tired by now & may have overlooked something, cheers. :)