World 15 Discussion

Started by ossie85, November 15, 2011, 12:17:48 PM

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roo boys!

Great to have you back Oss, I'm fine for you having extra power.

Quote from: whatlez on October 26, 2012, 02:06:38 AM
I could easily make a comeback that pretty much says that you must spend all your time on this, but I decide not too.


Great to have you back Os. I'd also be supportive of you ruling on all trades, and an appeals system of some description if anyone is happy with your calls. Much quicker and easier!


Planning to update the NYR OP soon-ish so I thought I'd leave this here. Unfortunately I don't have the layered template any more but hopefully this will be of use to somebody anyway...

PSD is here.

EDIT: The header is just futurist, widened it but think everyone should have access to that.

The hex value (colour) is #333333


For those interested the Puma squad list is completely up to date, and includes a couple of prediction positional changes (basically Hartlett and Harwood are now backs). There is also a list of all my draft picks so if you want to approach me regarding any trades check out my squad here - Puma Squad List

I will consider any serious offer presented to me :)


Folks.  I am resigning my position as coach of the Seoul Magpies.  Ossie has expressed a loss of confidence in the trades I've been making and I accept that feedback.  As Administrator and Founder of the comp and the Magpies, his confidence is of great importance to me. My intention was to try and grow the depth of the Magpies, but I have potentially damaged the team's chances of winning a flag with my choices.

I apologise to all of you for the mucking around, I genuinely hope you all have a great season and that a great new coach is appointed.  I'd like to recommend my two assistants JBsHawks and KoopKicka for the role, but I know the usual solid process for election will take place.

Sorry and Thanks.


To be clear I didn't ask Spinking to resign, that was entirely his decision. All I did was ask the logic behind his trades, he said if I didn't have confidence in him he should resign. I said that I don't have confidence in the trades, but that shouldn't be a reason to resign. He resigned.


In fact I hope he changes his mind.


Quote from: ossie85 on November 07, 2012, 10:57:20 AM

To be clear I didn't ask Spinking to resign, that was entirely his decision. All I did was ask the logic behind his trades, he said if I didn't have confidence in him he should resign. I said that I don't have confidence in the trades, but that shouldn't be a reason to resign. He resigned.

Completely support this.  I don't mean to indicate I was forced out.  I want the comp to remain strong and am happy to step aside to do that.


Spink, I don't think you should resign this quickly. I understand that you would like to have the support of Os (as previous coach), but I'm sure that in most circumstances, different coaches have different ideas and methods to get the team to their liking.

Could be a case of Malthouse passing on to Buckley, short term was looking shaky, but quality shines through in the end.

I think you should stay for at least the drafting period and for that matter for as long as this continues. You were voted in so I'm sure that everyone has confidence in you to do well. :)

Purple 77

Quote from: MajorLazer on November 07, 2012, 11:05:45 AM
Spink, I don't think you should resign this quickly. I understand that you would like to have the support of Os (as previous coach), but I'm sure that in most circumstances, different coaches have different ideas and methods to get the team to their liking.

Could be a case of Malthouse passing on to Buckley, short term was looking shaky, but quality shines through in the end.

I think you should stay for at least the drafting period and for that matter for as long as this continues. You were voted in so I'm sure that everyone has confidence in you to do well. :)


I admit I think the trades you did weren't that great for you, but ML does have a solid point that you were voted in by 16 coaches, there must be a reason for you being here.

Would prefer you stayed on, but won't stop you if you resign, really think you should stay.


JBs Hawks was 11 votes (not many in my system) behind Spinking for the job


Quote from: Purple 77 on November 07, 2012, 11:17:00 AM
Quote from: MajorLazer on November 07, 2012, 11:05:45 AM
Spink, I don't think you should resign this quickly. I understand that you would like to have the support of Os (as previous coach), but I'm sure that in most circumstances, different coaches have different ideas and methods to get the team to their liking.

Could be a case of Malthouse passing on to Buckley, short term was looking shaky, but quality shines through in the end.

I think you should stay for at least the drafting period and for that matter for as long as this continues. You were voted in so I'm sure that everyone has confidence in you to do well. :)


I admit I think the trades you did weren't that great for you, but ML does have a solid point that you were voted in by 16 coaches, there must be a reason for you being here.

Would prefer you stayed on, but won't stop you if you resign, really think you should stay.


JBs Hawks was 11 votes (not many in my system) behind Spinking for the job

Like the coaches above, I really hope you stay on to Spinking. With the great deal of effort you've put into your team thread, your curtious disposition and you're commitment early on, this shows us that we definitely made the right choice installing you as coach.

All coaches face scrutiny over decisions made, I'm still copping flack for my strict youth policy. But these comments don't bring me down. It has strengthened my determination to prove everyone wrong.

We all know you'll make a great coach Spink. I hope you take the time to realise that you're making a mistake. :)


Quote from: c4v3m4n on November 07, 2012, 12:16:50 PM
Quote from: Purple 77 on November 07, 2012, 11:17:00 AM
Quote from: MajorLazer on November 07, 2012, 11:05:45 AM
Spink, I don't think you should resign this quickly. I understand that you would like to have the support of Os (as previous coach), but I'm sure that in most circumstances, different coaches have different ideas and methods to get the team to their liking.

Could be a case of Malthouse passing on to Buckley, short term was looking shaky, but quality shines through in the end.

I think you should stay for at least the drafting period and for that matter for as long as this continues. You were voted in so I'm sure that everyone has confidence in you to do well. :)


I admit I think the trades you did weren't that great for you, but ML does have a solid point that you were voted in by 16 coaches, there must be a reason for you being here.

Would prefer you stayed on, but won't stop you if you resign, really think you should stay.


JBs Hawks was 11 votes (not many in my system) behind Spinking for the job

Like the coaches above, I really hope you stay on to Spinking. With the great deal of effort you've put into your team thread, your curtious disposition and you're commitment early on, this shows us that we definitely made the right choice installing you as coach.

All coaches face scrutiny over decisions made, I'm still copping flack for my strict youth policy. But these comments don't bring me down. It has strengthened my determination to prove everyone wrong.

We all know you'll make a great coach Spink. I hope you take the time to realise that you're making a mistake. :)

Spinking I concur with what other coaches are saying - When a new coach comes in to a team they will have different ideas and strategies to the previous coach. Whilst they will respect the previous coach they also need to stamp their authority with the team and show they are in control. (AS staed previously Malthouse/Buckley the good example), This is no offence to Ossie either but it is now your team and your strategy to develop.

I think basically we have all been queried at some stage on the strategy behind some our trades and the common answer in most cases trades are required to suit the direction and structure of the team.

You have put a fair amount of effort into the Magpies since taking over and I would not like to see that effort wasted. Trust you will reconsider but I will understand if you stick to your original decision. Personally I think you will be a great coach and trust that you will look forward at the rewards when making the decision.  Do not look back. :D :D


Spink you're doing fine.
Only thing I suggest is reply to all PM's you recieve. I've sent you a few without replies.
I also gave you an offer on Dixon which you didn't get back to me about. I was willing to offer higher :/

My Chumps

Just read what c4 said again Spink for my opinion! Sums it up perfectly...

Please stay!  :(

meow meow

There has been far too much quitting going on around here lately.