World 15 Discussion

Started by ossie85, November 15, 2011, 12:17:48 PM

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Quote from: Maca24 on December 09, 2011, 10:13:23 PM
Quote from: hawk_88 on December 09, 2011, 09:51:00 PM
Quote from: Purple 77 on December 09, 2011, 09:10:05 PM
I'm really against a trade period at the end of the drafts and a mid season trade period, in a way, we had plenty of opportunities to get the types of players that we want throughout the drafts, so we should be set for at least a year.

Completely agree with maca, trades make everything messy and there will be heaps of them. So i think there should be a week every year starting in 2012 at the end of the season where we make a maximum of 2 maybe 3 trades, it keeps everything fair.

You give people too much credit in believing that there will be a heap of trades. Do you know how hard it is to have a rational and logical discussion when it comes to trade? There is a reason we have currency as legal tender in society. People have have different valuations on the same object so there isn't a set price. On top of that, most people will only trade if they feel they "win", so a trade needs to be negotiated where both sides believe they come out in front.

It is also worth noting that not everybody got to pick their entire team and in some cases inherited a basket case.
Mate no offense but we have played trade games here all the time...
Some people are just so easy to rip off :P

Besides thats not his only argument, I really just do want teams changed. Like I picked the players I picked for a reason.

lets not forget the controversial Holz trades zach clarke and jack ziebell and only gets the spuds gary ablett and daniel gorringe in return. Boy i got ripped of in that trade.


If you don't make a game constantly engaging then you won't retain people. If you don't retain people the game either falls apart or you try and get replacements to take over teams that were run by people who have lost interest and may well face a couple of years till their teams even become competitive again.

Otherwise you are really playing a fantasy draft game where the fear of poor coaches being ripped off in trades is supplemented by poor coaches not having an in-depth understanding of the draft pool. It's a game either way and some are just going to be better.


Enjoyment isn't an issue.
I'll enjoy it MORE without trading.


that's a pretty big call maca and purple.


Quote from: Ziplock on December 10, 2011, 02:14:12 PM
that's a pretty big call maca and purple.
Zip you euro guys can do your own thing. We are talking about world 15s.


Quote from: Purple 77 on December 10, 2011, 02:37:30 PM
well, im for trading, but in a years time. and i think the trading period should go for a week and that there should be a small cap on how many trades you can do
We think alike Purple. :)

I will also enjoy it more by not trading before season 2012. :)


Quote from: PowerBug on December 10, 2011, 02:40:44 PM
Quote from: Purple 77 on December 10, 2011, 02:37:30 PM
well, im for trading, but in a years time. and i think the trading period should go for a week and that there should be a small cap on how many trades you can do
We think alike Purple. :)

I will also enjoy it more by not trading before season 2012. :)
That makes 3 of us :P

meow meow

All I want to do is attempt to trade for a player who hasn't even played yet. I don't think that would ruin the whole competition. 1 tiny insignificant trade is all I was proposing.

I'm against in-season trading.

Justin Bieber

Well, just read through everything after I missed out on all the talk :P.

Quote from: meow meow on December 09, 2011, 01:37:27 PM
Have a vote to see if once when all the drafts are done, that we can make ONE trade before the season starts. Involving a maximum of 2 players leaving/joining your club. 3 way trades are permitted but you have to keep the same number of players on your list. People might regret picking someone or have had to change their drafting strategy half way through the draft, or have a hole that needs to be filled. Or just really really really want someone that they weren't able to grab in the draft.
I like the idea for 2 for 2 or maybe even 3 for 3 (although doubt many would do that often).

Quote from: Ziplock on December 09, 2011, 07:27:09 PM
I'm sitting top of the ladder, and everyone hates me because I'm so awesome, and I'm playing HP this week. Nostra is playing PB's scrub team, and knows he can win it easily because, lets be frank, we're 4 through the season and PB isn't averaging 800ppg. So he trades Swan who's playing PA, to HP to bolster his relatively weak mids. Since port is shower, cwood is awesome, but its still early in the season so swan isn't rested, swanny pulls out a 160 as HP's captain, and I lose by 40 points, when HP's next highest scorer was cloke on 114. Then they trade back next week.
I take offence to that :P. My rucks are weak :P. Even then, who says I'll trade back ;).

Quote from: Boomz on December 09, 2011, 07:41:02 PM
Should really just put it to a vote once & for all...
I'd like to see a pre-season & mid season trading period with a cap of 3 trades each period & If more than half the coaches block a trade then it doesn't go through...
If there is a mid season trade period, I'd say 2 trades max. For end of season (which is certain), I'd say unlimited. AFL don't have any rules on how many trades a team can make (or that I know of), so why should we?

I don't mind trades up until a few weeks out from Finals, as long as 2/3 of the managers can Veto the trade. There can be some bad trades made so need that rule in place. Although, can see how an End of season trade period can be enough. I'll suggest unlimited trading in the OFF SEASON only. So basically from when the finals are over to when the season begins. PLENTY of time to trade so nobody can complain. As said before, having just a week period can disadvantage some people who may not be able to get on at the time.


Quote from: Hellopplz on December 10, 2011, 08:38:51 PM
I don't mind trades up until a few weeks out from Finals, as long as 2/3 of the managers can Veto the trade. There can be some bad trades made so need that rule in place. Although, can see how an End of season trade period can be enough. I'll suggest unlimited trading in the OFF SEASON only. So basically from when the finals are over to when the season begins. PLENTY of time to trade so nobody can complain. As said before, having just a week period can disadvantage some people who may not be able to get on at the time.

This makes total sense to me.

Quote from: Maca24 on December 10, 2011, 10:46:39 AM
Enjoyment isn't an issue.
I'll enjoy it MORE without trading.

I'm not talking about enjoyment, I'm talking about engagement. They are very different things and one doesn't necessarily lead to the other.

The only way this sort of competition works is that everyone participates. You have to "own" your team, enjoy winning and enjoy watching others lose. This is a long term thing. If people drop in and out it ruins the game for everyone, including long term players. To retain players, for your own benefit, you need to actively engage people, requiring regular interaction. This is why your mainstream fantasy sports are so successful. They require, at a minimum, once a week interaction with a view to a long term goal.

That interaction doesn't necessarily mean a trade has to occur, but the possibility has to be there such that people can be constantly re-evaluating their list, considering trades and negotiating trades. That will keep people engaged which will mean people become attached to their lists, encouraging long term involvement and a continuity which will create the long term list management style of play you want.


I'm with Hawk. As I am technically an assistant coach in WXV,all those telling me to go back to euro can blow me :P

DT/SC both try, as much as possible, to keep in line with the afl, hence the salary cap reflecting the cap in the afl, team sizes being the same, leagues the same etc.

But, they still encourage trading throughout the year.

You'd have to ask yourself why. Why do the two biggest AFL fantasy football competitions allow mid-season trading when, obviously it isn't in-line with the afl? It can't just be for injuries/ droppings, a work around for that could be easily instigated. It's, as said before, for engagement. If people couldn't better  their teams, by round 8, the majority of the competition would be dropping out from either boredom/ stagnation or from frustration of being beat week in, week out.

Trading entails the possibility of improving your team, changing it a little possible to, as hawk said, keep you more engaged and playing. it is if anything, more important in this competition for trading to occur than in any other fantasy football competition- if you have a poor starting squad, you're going to be screwed for years, and nobody is going to want to touch your team. High draft picks can only do so much. But, if you're able to trade mid season you may, if you're lucky, keep yourself in it.

This competition would be really bad for ghostshippers. Even though you could get other coaches to take over teams that have had interest lost in them, good luck with that if the team is poor, and the coaches have the knowledge that they have no way to even try to fix it until season end.

Sorry if that didn't make sense. Am a touch hungover.

ftr, I agree with HP's statement about trade week. It's not enough time for those of us with lives. (not talking bout myself of course, but, hypothetically...)


I'm a little curious how you think a team that is terrible will be able to trade themselves out of trouble..... Not like SC and DT where you can buy low and sell high.

BUT the trading games are everywhere, and are done because they are all short term (1 season) competitions. This is meant to be a long term one. And we'll always be able to find replacement coaches :)


Cbf reading all that zip :P

I'm certainly not a fan of in-season trading. You should be happy with your team by round 1. We all have plenty of depth.
Now with end of season trading I am keen, maybe a month would be more suitable for people that are busy.
Do we need a trading period right now? NO. Whats the point when we have had the opportunity to draft who we want?
if you didn't get them, then wait until next year.


I think that a mid-season trade week could work, but definitely not a trade period now.


Quote from: ossie85 on December 11, 2011, 05:09:35 PM
I'm a little curious how you think a team that is terrible will be able to trade themselves out of trouble..... Not like SC and DT where you can buy low and sell high.

What about the Oakland Athletics?

Quote from: ossie85 on December 11, 2011, 05:09:35 PM
BUT the trading games are everywhere, and are done because they are all short term (1 season) competitions. This is meant to be a long term one. And we'll always be able to find replacement coaches :)

I don't think you will be able to find replacement coaches that easily. All the drafts will end in say 3 weeks. Then what is there to do?

You will be trying to give someone a list that they can in no way improve, or really do anything really, for 11 months until the next draft where if they are VERY lucky, they will get one player who will play 14 matches for the year with a 75 average. There is no "ownership" of that list, no attachment or desire to persist with something they have no control over. Given no attachment, there is no emotion in winning or losing.

Trading games doesn't exist because they are short term, they exist because that in the only way you can actually "play" anything. You can't train players, come up with game plans, etc. The only thing you have controller over is your list. If there is no trading, all you are playing is a phantom draft.