World 15 Discussion

Started by ossie85, November 15, 2011, 12:17:48 PM

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So I drop 183 points a week??


I could be averaging so much more! Can't wait until finals  8)


Never worked out how to the table thing quickly, but  check this out.

Each team's average, compared with the score they got playing the Magpies.

Team   Current Avg   Score against Magpies   Diff
Bears   137.8   154   16.2
Tigers   124.4   140   15.6
Islanders   124.8   140   15.2
Warriors   137.6   152   14.4
Spetsnaz   133.1   147   13.9
Destroyers   115.8   127   11.2
Eagles   121.2   132   10.8
Suns   148.3   154   5.7
Reindeer   128.8   134   5.2
Samurai   137.4   135   -2.4
Royals   127.5   125   -2.5
Pumas   151.9   146   -5.9
Wolves   141.2   NA   NA
Armadillos   137.9   NA   NA
Cobras   143.7   NA   NA
Sands   130.3   NA   NA
Brewers   129.1   NA   NA


9 of the 12 teams I've played have scored greater than there average playing against me. And the 3 that didn't were pretty close to the average (cept the Pumas, who I lost anyway lol).

All up, teams average 82 points more than there average against the Seoul Magpies.

Quit lifting when you play me!


Haha ossie that's a bit of bad luck!


Hopefully the trend continues this week. :D

Purple 77


Just like collingwood aye? Teams try to lift for collingwood games lol


What do i get in return for the 12 players i delist at seasons end?


Quote from: PowerBug on July 25, 2012, 01:06:40 AM
What do i get in return for the 12 players i delist at seasons end?

Draft picks.... you have 12 spots to fill on your list, you'll get 12 picks (minimum 4, probably 5, in preseason/rookie)


Just tracking to see how the points cap idea would work..

Only 2 teams are tracking over the salary cap at the moment - and even those only just. So close in fact that standard delistings and retirements would likely put them under again.

Those two teams?

Sao Paulo Pumas
Seoul Magpies


So I think it's a good safety net to implement


I'm also a fan of a 'resting' rule... how I see it working:

Each week a team can nominate 1 player to be rested. That player
- could not play that week
- have to play the next week (unless not named in AFL squad)
- there score next week would increase 20% (or maybe 10%)



I like both ideas. :) Means that there'll be more thought when selecting sides each week. :)


Just trying to handicap my squad of superstars aren't you os!! :P

Purple 77

I like the resting thing, sounds like it could be a thing that could make or break wins  :)

But as long as we have a max of 46 players, like discussed on the other thread, I don't see why we have to points cap or any other cap on anything else, IMO, if you are over this points cap, then you did a very good job selecting your team


I dont like the resting idea. Could put teams who have a stretch of hard games under more strain :/


Quote from: Maca24 on July 29, 2012, 07:02:58 PM
I dont like the resting idea. Could put teams who have a stretch of hard games under more strain :/

It could also help the strugglers when team rest a 'star' against them...


Not really a fan of the resting idea...