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Karma system

Started by Nails, November 15, 2011, 01:59:39 AM

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The Karma system been up for 2 minutes... I'm negative 1 already... What? How?


I like how we can give each user Karma but...

I don't think it'll overall ween out bad posts in the slightest.

Say a user like myself posts constructive, nice posts 80% of the time...

I might make 20 posts a day and make 4 stupid offensive posts per day, that wouldn't be on, but because of the 16 positive posts I'd make I dare say I'd be getting a lot of good karma.

Is someone going to give you BAD karma because of 1-2 bad posts (that should receive it) when you've made a bunch of good posts?


I have turned on the inbuilt karma system of the SMF forum software, as a test in response to some recent feedback.

Instead of calling it karma, I'm calling it Premium. At the moment it's restricted to level s of Premium for each poster, not for each individual post. You can cheer or boo each user under their name in the threads.

I will probably investigate mods for upvoting and downvoting individual posts like a Slashdot or Reddit, as that's a more useful tool for figuring out who's making a nuisance of themselves by posting rubbish.


Well I cheer you m0nty :)


the boo on monty certainly wasn't just me testing the system and/or trolling...



This is definitely a good innovation.

I've been discussing this karma system with hawk_88 for a few months now, it'll be interesting to see what the initial results from the tests are, though I'd be more for a karma system per individual post rather than per user.


I'm trying to install a post karma mod but Unix file permissions have never been my strong suit, and I'm failing miserably.  :'(


Uh oh. Didn't see this and I kept clicking them thinking they were links :-X Major blond moment.
Is there any way to remove that karma I gave C4? I certainly didn't intend to do that :-\

I do like this though, have thought FF should implement a system like this one for a while :)


I don't know computer stuff, what is karma


On my iPod it is hard to click the right thing. I tried to cheer  one of  ossie's post but accidentally clicked boo. I am sorry to ossie,

roo boys!


Quote from: FisherSaints on November 15, 2011, 07:48:29 AM
On my iPod it is hard to click the right thing. I tried to cheer  one of  ossie's post but accidentally clicked boo. I am sorry to ossie,

All good FS :)


Oh great...Now I'm tempted to strive for record lows  :P


Quote from: FisherSaints on November 15, 2011, 07:38:03 AM
I don't know computer stuff, what is karma

it's not 'compute stuff' FS, it's a ... way of thinking  ;)


Well, i have mixed feelings about this. Although, i don't think i'll have the biggest negative score on here ;D