WXV: Sao Paulo Pumas

Started by CrowsFan, November 14, 2011, 01:07:16 PM

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Been involved in a few classic finals matches now. Last years prelim against the Dillos comes to mind :)



Curious about the form of reigning Premiership Captain Will Minson...

Will he have a place in the Prelim final?


More importantly... Does he have a future as a Puma!?


Quote from: ossie85 on August 17, 2014, 04:04:25 PM

Curious about the form of reigning Premiership Captain Will Minson...

Will he have a place in the Prelim final?
Hmm it's an interesting situation, but as you know I'm not one to hold back with the tough decisions to win matches, i.e stripping Ablett of the captaincy in the finals last year...



So I fear unfortunately that I have fallen too far behind in the reviews to catch up on them (very busy with uni at the moment). However I will be doing an awards night, most likely on Wednesday. 4 awards will be on offer for the players...

Best First Year Player (at the club, not debutante year) - previously won by Andrew Walker (2013)
Most Improved (for players on the list for at least 2 season) - previously won by Dylan Roberton (2013)
Gatinho (Reserves B&F) - previously won by Mitch Duncan (2012 + 2013)
Gato Grande (Senior B&F) - previously won by Will Minson (2013) and Gary Ablett (2012)

I posted some odds in the other thread, but will post them here for anyone who wants to have a stab at who will win the awards. I think purps got pretty close last year for all 4!

Gato Grande Odds
Ablett - $1.30
Sloane - $2.40
Jacobs - $2.55
Roughead - $4.80
Houli - $7.90
Other - $99

Taylor Adams - $1.90
Jake Stringer - $2.25
Chris Masten - $3.00
Mitch Wallis - $4.15
Marco Paparone - $6.70
Other - $99

Most Improved
Jared Polec - $1.85
Sam Jacobs - $2.50
Devon Smith - $3.35
Ryan Harwood - $5.15
Stephen Hill - $8.40
Other - $99

Best First Year Player
Jake Stringer - $1.80
Marco Paparone - $2.20
Ben Jacobs - $5.50
Zak Jones - $7.00
Blaine Johnson - $11.50
Other - $99

Get your bets in now :)


100 into Sloane, 1800 into Polec, 20 into Stringer (twice)


Justin Bieber

Reckon Sloane is a nice smokie there. Agree with Oss, would back Stringer for other two awards but think there could be good money to be made with Devon as most improved over Polec (although doubt it).


2014 Pumas Awards Night

Well it's that time of year again, the night when everyone in Brazil gets drunk and parties all night long, and no I'm not talking about Carnival! It's the Sao Paulo Pumas Awards Night!!!

As the defending champions of the WXV 2014 was always going to be a tough year for the Pumas as they would have targets on their back all season long. But the Pumas did what they always do, put their head down, ignored the media and got about their business, often dismantling teams with ruthless efficiency. The depth of the team was tested at times with many big name players missing for large chunks of the season, but the fringe players stepped up when thrust into the spotlight to take the Pumas all the way to the grand final, giving them a chance to defend their title. Sadly it wasn't to be, going down in a valiant effort against the mighty Destroyers who were well deserved winners. So the Pumas had to settle for second place, but will use that as motivation to get back to the top of the tree next year. Finally, what season could be complete without defeating the Armadillos (twice), to keep hold of the Rhythm Cup and hold a 6-0 record over the team from Argentina?

But tonight is about the efforts of the players, rather than the achievements of the team as a whole. Without these players who put in their all each and every week, we wouldn't be here tonight. This year we had 30 players represent Sao Paulo, including 6 debutantes, whilst for the Jaguars 31 players pulled on the red and white. We also had 6 players play their 50th match for the Pumas this year which is a very impressive effort! So plenty of players in contention for the 4 awards on offer tonight. As usual we have the 2 best and fairest awards namely the Gatinho for the reserves and the much coveted Gato Grande for the seniors. The other 2 awards on offer are of course the Most Improved Award, and the Best First Year Award.

So who will take home the medals tonight? Captain Gary was in scintillating form before being struck down from injury, but he held on to win his third Jim Stynes Medal, can he hold on and win his second Gato Grande? In the reserves the only winner of the Gatinho Mitch Duncan is no longer at the club, so who will step up and win? Whilst it's anyones game for the other 2 awards.

So without further ado, let's get on with the count!


Round 1
Sao Paulo Pumas (21.12.138) lost to Mexico City Suns (24.13.157)
5 - N/A
4 - Ablett
3 - S. Jacobs, Roughead
2 - N/A
1 - Sloane

Rio de Janeiro Jaguars (15.7.97) defeated Mexico City Suns (13.12.90)
3 - Polec, 2 - Paparone, 1 - Adams

Round 2
Sao Paulo Pumas (20.13.133) lost to Moscow Spetsnaz (20.20.140)
5 - N/A
4 - N/A
3 - Hartlett, Houli
2 - Ablett, Masten, Smith
1 - Hill, Sloane

Rio de Janeiro Jaguars (11.5.71) defeated Siberian Wolverines (7.3.45)
3 - Minson, 2 - Polec, 1 - Adams, 1 - Paparone

Round 3
Berlin Brewers (18.14.122) lost to Sao Paulo Pumas (23.18.156)
5 - Ablett
4 - N/A
3 - Roughead
2 - Minson, Sloane
1 - Gunston, Hartlett, Walker, Wright

Rhineland Rum-Runners (7.5.47) lost to Rio de Janeiro Jaguars (9.7.61)
3 - S. Jacobs, 2 - Zaharakis, 1 - Stringer

Round 4
Toronto Wolves (22.15.147) lost to Sao Paulo Pumas (23.16.154)
5 - Gunston
4 - Ablett, Houli
3 - S. Jacobs, Sloane, Wright
2 - N/A
1 - Roughead

Toronto Wolves (11.6.72) defeated Rio de Janeiro Jaguars (4.5.29)
3 - Wallis, 2 - Stringer, 1 - Sumner

Round 5
New York Revolution (17.11.113) lost to Sao Paulo Pumas (22.13.145)
5 - Ablett
4 - N/A
3 - Gusnton, S. Jacobs, Walker
2 - Wright
1 - Polec, Sloane

Washington Rebellion (5.6.36) lost to Rio de Janeiro Jaguars (8.9.57)
3 - Masten, 2 - White, 1 - Paparone

Round 6
Sao Paulo Pumas (23.13.151) defeated Beijing Thunder (19.8.122)
5 - N/A
4 - Ablett
3 - N/A
2 - Hartlett, Sloane, Walker, Wright
1 - Houli, Minson

Rio de Janeiro Jaguars (8.8.56) lost to Shanghai Storm (10.7.67)
3 - Stringer, 2 - White, 1 - O'Rourke

Round 7
PNL Reindeers (21.12.138) lost to Sao Paulo Pumas (23.21.159)
5 - S. Jacobs, Roughead
4 - Ablett, Polec
3 - Walker
2 - Smith
1 - Gunston, Minson, Sloane

Marseille Kings (24.18.162) defeated Rio de Janeiro Jaguars (11.9.75)
3 - Stringer, 2 - Paparone, Daw

So seven rounds in and time to check on the leader boards before then announcing the winner of this years "Best First Year Award". We are just over a third of the way through, with the Pumas this year playing 20 matches and the Jaguars 19.

Gato Grande
28 votes - Gary Ablett
14 - Sam Jacobs
12 - Jarryd Roughead
11 - Rory Sloane
10 - Jack Gunston
9 - Andrew Walker
8 - Bachar Houli, Matthew Wright
6 - Hamish Hartlett
5 - Jared Polec
4 - Will Minson, Devon Smith
2 - Chris Masten
1 - Stephen Hill

9 votes - Jake Stringer
6 - Marco Papaone
5 - Jared Polec
4 - Simon White
3 - Sam Jacobs, Chris Masten, Will Minson, Mitch Wallis
2 - Taylor Adams, David Zaharakis
1 - Majak Daw, Jono O'Rourke, Liam Sumner

Unsurprisingly Ablett has stormed out to a commanding lead in the race for the Gato Grande, already sitting 14 points ahead of Sam Jacobs, whilst Roughead, Sloane and Gunston have all scored well from the first 7 games. In the Gatinho new boy Jake Stringer has started well sitting 3 points ahead of fellow newcomer Marco Papaone with 9 votes. The bookies favourite for the award Taylor Adams has started very slowly, already 7 points behind Stringer...


Best First Year Award

There wasn't much doubt over who would win this award this year. After a very quiet recruiting period last year where the Pumas didn't go out and bag a big name player there weren't many to chose from for this award, but that doesn't make it any less meaningful for 2014's winner Jake Stringer! Recruited to the club due to his enormous potential and trading away Mitch Duncan in the process there was some pressure on Stringer to make a big impact in his first year. Despite only playing 2 of the first 16 games for the Pumas Jake toiled away for the Jaguars showing what he was capable of. But towards the end of the year Stringer hit some form and forced his way in to the Pumas side for their finals campaign, playing a pivotal role in the win over the Suns and then backing that up with an impressive performance in the grand final.

Jake did only play 5 games for the Pumas this year, but he showed in those games that he is a big game player and has a huge future ahead of him. Congrats to Jake Stringer for winning this years Best First Year Award!!


Round 8
Sao Paulo Pumas (23.20.158) lost to Dublin Destroyers (26.18.174)
5 - Ablett
4 - S. Jacobs
3 - Minson
2 - N/A
1 - Hartlett, Houli, Roughead, Sloane, Walker

Rio de Janeiro Jaguars (14.10.94) lost to Belfast Braves (16.13.109)
3 - Paparone, 2 - Daw, 1 - Stringer

Round 9
New Delhi Tigers (17.6.108) lost to Sao Paulo Pumas (20.16.136)
5 - N/A
4 - Sloane
3 - Ablett, Hill, Zaharakis
2 - Minson
1 - Gunston, Houli, Paparone

Mumbai Elephants (14.8.92) defeated Rio de Janeiro Jaguars (10.6.66)
3 - Smith, 2 - Wallis, 1 - Adams

Round 10
Sao Paulo Pumas (28.17.185) defeated Tokyo Samurai (19.10.124)
5 - Hartlett, Roughead
4 - Ablett, Zaharakis
3 - Houli, S. Jacobs, Walker
2 - Hill, Smith
1 - Harwood, Minson, Sloane

Rio de Janeiro Jaguars (7.8.50) lost to Yuzawa Typhoon (15.8.98)
3 - Lowden, 2 - Masten, 1 - Adams

Round 11
Cairo Sands (26.12.168) defeated Sao Paulo Pumas (22.16.148)
5 - Zaharakis
4 - Harwood, S. Jacobs
3 - Sloane
2 - Paparone, Walker
1 - Ablett, Houli, Minson

Alexandria Hieroglyphics (14.12.96) defeated Rio de Janeiro Jaguars (9.8.62)
3 - Adams, 2 - Wallis, 1 - Masten

Round 12
Sao Paulo Pumas (24.15.159) defeated Seoul Magpies (18.12.120)
5 - Ablett, S. Jacobs
4 - N/A
3 - Wright
2 - Houli, Walker
1 - Gunston

Rio de Janeiro Jaguars (13.14.92) defeated Pyongyang Chollimas (11.8.74)
3 - Masten, 2 - Adams, 1 - Kersten

Round 13
Wellington Warriors (20.16.136) lost to Sao Paulo Pumas (24.20.164)
5 - Ablett, S. Jacobs
4 - Hill
3 - Harwood, Minson, Smith
2 - Sloane
1 - Wright

Wellington Warriors (14.8.92) lost to Rio de Janeiro Jaguars (17.13.115)
3 - Stringer, 2 - Adams, 1 - Wallis

Round 14
Sao Paulo Pumas (22.17.149) defeated Pacific Islanders (17.12.114)
5 - Gunston
4 - Sloane, Walker
3 - Zaharakis
2 - S. Jacobs
1 - Hartlett

Rio de Janeiro Jaguars (20.21.141) defeated Port Morseby Iguanadons (20.16.136)
3 - Minson, 2 - Wallis, 2 - White

14 rounds down now, so time to check in on the leaders again and see if there's been any changes...

Gato Grande
51 votes - Gary Ablett
37 - Sam Jacobs
26 - Rory Sloane
21 - Andrew Walker
18 - Jarryd Roughead
17 - Jack Gunston
16 - Bachar Houli
15 - David Zaharakis
14 - Will Minson
13 - Hamish Hartlett
12 - Matthew Wright
10 - Stephen Hill
9 - Devon Smith
8 - Ryan Harwood
5 - Jared Polec
3 - Marco Paparone
2 - Chris Masten

13 votes - Jake Stringer
11 - Mitch Wallis
10 - Taylor Adams
9 - Chris Masten, Marco Paparone
6 - Will Minson, Simon White
5 - Jared Polec
3 - Majak Daw, Sam Jacob, Luke Lowden, Devon Smith
2 - David Zaharakis
1 - Shane Kersten, Jono O'Rourke, Liam Sumner

So both Ablett and Stringer have maintained their leads in the voting. Ablett still holding a 14 point lead over Jacobs with just 6 games to go. The bad news is Ablett doesn't play again, can he hold on or will Sam Jacobs surpass him? No one else looks to be in contention...
Stringer only picked up 4 votes in those 7 rounds, but still holds a 2 point lead over Mitch Wallis, with the favourite Adams just a vote further back. Going to be a very tight finish I think!

Now we will check in and see who is this years Most Improved!


Most Improved Award

It's time for the second award of the night. This year again we had three standouts to pick from, who in alphabetical order are Sam Jacobs, Jared Polec and Devon Smith.

Jacobs had a standout year in the ruck after a disappointing 2013 campaign, which culminated in him being named in the ruck of the All Worlds XV. Jacobs played 19 games this year at an average of 114.47, up a massive 30 points from his 2013 average of 84 from 15 games! But the question is whether this was really improvement, or whether he was just returning to his previous form from 2012...

Jared Polec entered his second year at the club without a game to his name and only one for the reserves, so it was a make or break season for him. And make it he did! Polec shot out of the block in the reserves and forced himself to be picked for the Pumas. His form petered a little towards the end of the season, but in the end he had managed to play 14 games for the Pumas at an average of 82.93. A pretty amazing effort for the young midfielder.

Lastly, but certainly not least is Devon Smith. Many punters said at the start of the season that the Pumas lacked a quality F4 and that would be their downfall, stating Smith was not up to the same standard as the other top teams. But boy did he prove them wrong! After playing 8 games last year for an average of 67.75 Devon stepped up his training and ended the season as an automatic selection in the team, finishing with 17 games under his belt at an average of 88.71, including a terrific finals series where he averaged 115.67 from his 3 games! I don't think many are doubting his quality now!

So now to name the winner. Such a difficult choice at the best of times, but made even harder when you have to pick between those three. But in the end the award has to go to Jared Polec for coming from nowhere to playing almost three quarters of the Pumas games. Congrats Jared, here's hoping for further improvement next year!