WXV: The Pacific Islanders

Started by c4v3m4n, November 14, 2011, 01:01:27 AM

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I truly hope it is behind me as well. ::)


Head Coach c4v3m4n, will be holding a press conference LIVE tonight about his return to coaching and the Islanders current performance.

Members of the public and other coachses are invited to submit questions to myself for answering.

The conference will begin at 9:00PM AEDST.


Last chance to get questions in before the press conference.


Do you believe that the Islanders have th capacity to win the title this season??

Who are your greatest rivals at the moment and are how do you think they are travelling??

Which player from an opposition team are you looking at bringing to the club for next season??


Will the Islanders be considering following Seoul and Sao Paulo's footsteps in naming a stand-alone Reserves team?


1. Will you c4 ever be sick again? If so will you resign from your position?
2. Does The Pacific Islanders have a chance to win the World 15s This year?
3. Will The Islanders be moving on any of their senior players next year like Judd to get younger players?
4. Is There any tension between you and any of the players in WXV or even the coaches? :o


Thank you all for your entries. The best questions will be chosen and answered during the press conference.



Head Coach c4v3m4n enters the room, sits down and faces the media.

"Ladies and gentlemen, thank you all for attending today's press conference. Firstly, let me say that it's definitely great to be back here, I've certainly missed every facet of this club. I'd also like to thank everyone for the well wishes while is was ill, it was certainly much appreciated".

"Tonight I'd like to discuss the Islanders recent performance, then discuss the Islanders' future and then open the floor to any questions you might have".

"The Islanders recent performances have been simply amazing and I'm proud of each and every one of the playing group. Of course, like all good coaches, we'll be playing down these wins. Haha".

"The Islanders will be pushing forward harder than ever more determined to make finals and keep defying all those people that thought the Islanders were going to mere pushovers."

"This week against the Cape Town Cobras is a massive game for us, it's going to be a fantastic opportunity to see exactly how we compete against the big guns of the competition. I have also been told that the game at Oakley Arena is now completely sold out."

"I will now open the floor to any and all questions."

Question 1. What is your opinion on the Islanders chance to actually make the finals?

"It's amazing what seven weeks will do to people. First we are a shoe-in for the spoon and now you're talking about the Islanders making finals? Ha. Look, I won't sugar coat it, we've got a tough road ahead of us and our depth is strained as it is. But hopefully, we'll continue to surprise people and make finals. So to answer your question, it's going to be hard but we're definitely a chance."

Question 2. What about making the Grand Final?

"Ask me that question when we're in the finals. Until then, just making the finals are our focus."

Question 3. Who would you say is your greatest rival and how do you feel they are travelling?

"Greatest rival? Hmm...I'd have to go on the record and say that the Wellington Warriors would still have to be the Islanders greatest rival. It's a shame that we don't have to another chance to play them cause we'd certainly love to have another chance at that Oceanic Cup. As for how they're travelling, well sitting 3rd with 6 wins on the board, you'd have to say they're travelling really well. They've definitely got an impressive list and probably the best rucking duo in Giles and HMac. Along with S. Thompson, A. Rance, L. Hayes, J. Corey, we're definitely taking notice.

Question 4. Do the Islanders have an eye on any particular players for trade week?

"I'm not going to lie, there are a few players that Islanders are looking at. But as for who they are, you're just going to have to wait.  ;)

Question 5. Some people might say that The Islanders have been performing better BECAUSE OF your absence. What do you have to say to them?

"Wow, that's a different question. The Islanders coaching staff have performed above and beyond their duties during my absence and it goes to show that without doubt we've got the best coaching staff in the competition. As for whether or not the team has done better due to my absence, let's review that after the next few weeks, maybe you'll be right, maybe you just asked a stupid question."

Final Question. Will the Islanders be considering following Seoul and Sao Paulo's footsteps in naming a stand-alone Reserves team?

"It's definitely something that we have considered. We are currently in talks with the CEO Mark O'Connor about naming the reserves team and we'll have an answer within the week."

"I'd like to thank you all for your questions and for coming to this press conference and of course, GO ISLANDERS!"




Wasnt around before so didn't get my question in. If it's alright could you still answer it?

When you were in hospital fighting for your life did you discover our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ?

meow meow

Quote from: CrowsFan on May 15, 2012, 11:28:34 PM
Wasnt around before so didn't get my question in. If it's alright could you still answer it?

When you were in hospital fighting for your life did you discover our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ?

He did, and he made him captain.


Quote from: meow meow on May 15, 2012, 11:55:57 PM
Quote from: CrowsFan on May 15, 2012, 11:28:34 PM
Wasnt around before so didn't get my question in. If it's alright could you still answer it?

When you were in hospital fighting for your life did you discover our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ?

He did, and he made him captain.

What meow said. :P


Love reading this stuff c4 :) And nice call meow


If I can be bothered, it might even look at having a post-match press conference each week where people can ask me questions. That was kinda fun. :o



On Tuesday night, Pacific Islanders midfielder Daniel Kerr suffered a mild case of food poisoning after eating at a local Chinese restaurant in Suva, Fiji. A picture of the incident was made public via Twitter by Kerr's friend, Nic Naitanui.

He was immediately rushed to hospital where he was treated and spent the night under observation.

In good news for the Islanders, club doctors and hospital staff have given the midfielder the all-clear to play in this week's upcoming match against the Cobras.