Jack Reiwoldt in 2012?

Started by theflyinghawk, November 04, 2011, 12:10:57 AM

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Be vary weary of Jacky with Ivan Maric now on the list. That shifts Vickery to a much more permanent forward role and, with Dustin Martin showing he can be used as a forward as well, that will mean less goals for Jack. So, despite the fact that the Tigers are likely to have more inside 50s this season, there will probably be more targets as well. Jack relies on marks and goals for points and I just don't think they'll be there.


I think Jack should perform in 2012. He had some injuries so looking forward to a big pre-season and a awesome 2012.


I actually disagree a little. Did Jvoldt finish (2nd? 3rD?) in the comp for most goals this season, yet he still did crap... I think you're rating him as a bit too 2 dimensional :P