Mumford in 2012

Started by TheMailman, November 03, 2011, 06:31:22 PM

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He will certainly be one of the contenders for my side no question.


As long as he doesn't get silly suspensions he will be in the top 5 rucks for the year. The rucks I believe are more open than ever this year. Plenty of good YOUNG ruckmen about. No longer will it be so Sandilands focused which is great for DT.


I'm locked, barring injury.


I understand he's big for next year......

But why in comparison to someone like Cox?

Is it just the money?

Nic Nat hasn't really troubled him in the past


Sure nic nat hasn't troubled him yet BUT Coxy isn't getting younger is he? And nic nat is developing quickly expect a 50/50 share rather than 75/25 like this year was.


I real option, will just depend on the right fit for my team, he isnt as much a lock in DT as SC.

I also cant see suspensions being an issue this year, have seen more than one article about him working on his tackling technique which has seem him get rubbed over the last two years.


Not to familiar with the Swans, who are the other ruckman in the Sydney team how much time on ground will mummy get???


This is probably the best or at least one of the best sites i have found on comprehensive player stats. BUT it has no stats on TOG.

Does anyone know a better stats site or where TOG can be found.


Well the Swans have Seaby and even Jesse White as a pinch hitter. Mummy will do the bulk of the ruck work though.


Mummy has no true completion for the ruck, Swan have tried 2 ruckmen and it hasn't worked for them. White may even struggle for a game if Walsh plays as well as hoped.

The prospectus has TOG stats for all players


Well being a guy who watches the Swans every week I'll try to put something in.

Longmuire and the coaching staff really don't want to use 2 specialist Ruckmen in a match. They would much rather use one of Goodes or LRT or Jesse White (if in ok form) to ruck when Mumford has the occasional breaks in the forward line, he doesn't go off too often.

That being said if Mumford gets a middle class injury (1-3 weeks) I wouldn't be suprised for the Swans to use one of their fringe Ruckman. I think atm Pyke and Seaby are pretty even in terms of skill. Mumford woulod probably recieive 3/4 of his usually gametime

Hope that helps somewhat

Oh yeah so that means Mumford gets a lot of gametime


104 minutes. 6 more than Cox. Lock him in.


windigo or someonelse with access to TOG stats, would it be possibly if you could give us the TOG of the popular rucks
it would be much appreciated :)



Quote from: maanco on January 29, 2012, 10:38:27 AM
windigo or someonelse with access to TOG stats, would it be possibly if you could give us the TOG of the popular rucks

it would be much appreciated. :)

Sure.  :)


Cox: 98
Goldstein: 117
Sandilands: 99
Leuenberger: 103
McEvoy: 103
Mumford: 104
Jacobs: 98