Ringo's 2012 Team FF Updated - Please Read and comment

Started by Ringo, October 30, 2011, 07:20:13 PM

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See which rookies are named.  I would strongly consider getting someone like Goodes/Chapman at 550k if you can.  Goodes is awesome POD which is what your team needs.

IMO, don't over think these rookies too much they are all coin tosses.

Milera, Saad, Pfieffer, Sexton, Elliot, its anyone's guess how many games they will get.


This weeks trade after teams being named
Morris > Goodes
McDonald > Crozier
Ellis > Heppell

Leaving $204k and 4 trades,
and Team as follows

DEF: B. Goddard, B. Deledio M. Johnson, D Heppell ,P Hanley, G Broughton, S Darley, (S.Shaw, L.Spurr)
MID: G. Ablett jnr, N Dal Santo, T. Rockliff, , M Priddis,  S Pendlebury, J Selwood, (S Gibson,Crozier)
RUC: S Jacobs, J. Giles (,J Reddan, O Stephenson)
FWD: L. Franklin,  D. Martin; B Harvey, , P. Dangerfield, A Goodes, D Zorko  S Sidebottom,  (A Sexton A Treloar)


ROK might make it easier to go

Darley > Carrots.

But I dunno, haven't quite done the maths in my head.


Thanks Cs for all the help.  May just sit and see what happens. On current  prices about $78k short of trade but with Darley having a negative B/e and Carrotts 150 plus may be ok to do in Round 15.
ROK is $53k cheaper so with Darleys price this week would virtually assure the trade. Just need to work out whether the 15/20 average points per game I will loose between Goodes and O'Keeffe will be adequately compensated by Carrots overall.
Have not been overly impressed with O'Keeffe this year.


Yeah its a tough one, Goodes I think is better choice but may make it harder to get Carrots in single trade.

His averaging 107.2 last 5 rounds.  Was actually playing off HB last week I believe, pretty lucrative role. 

I think he should average about low 100's from here on out


Well the byes are over and I rose some 10k places during the byes to current ranking of 9941.

I originally wanted to get to top 10k being my third year in DC (finished 30k last year) but will now try and aim to top 5K and maintain position.

Trades this week
Morris to Goodes  :'( :'( (Will get better hopefully)
McDonald to Crozier
Ellis to Heppell

Not in a good position trade wise with only 4 but have $204k

Team as it stands and I will probably sit on it this week is due to trade situation.

DEF: B. Goddard, B. Deledio M. Johnson, D Heppell ,P Hanley, G Broughton, S Darley, (S.Shaw, L.Spurr)
MID: G. Ablett jnr, N Dal Santo, T. Rockliff, , M Priddis,  S Pendlebury, J Selwood, (S Gibson,Crozier)
RUC: S Jacobs, J. Giles (,J Reddan, O Stephenson)
FWD: L. Franklin,  D. Martin; B Harvey, , P. Dangerfield, A Goodes, D Zorko  S Sidebottom,  (A Sexton A Treloar)

If Pendles is still out as expected I will rotate Zorko to mids and use Treloar as F7.
Will probably have to upgrade to a D7 down the track as I think rotating Darley, Shaw or Spurr may be costly. Gee I hate the injuries this year.



Hoping he stuffs it up and gets a further decrease the week after but he will be my last upgrade but like you real short on trades. Bit peeved being talked out of Grima though but thats life.


yeah same he would have been good to snaffle up last week.. what to do about giles too :S


Will probably keep Giles because his scores still are not that bad (apart from this week coming back from injury) and if I still have trades then trade but a luxury trade for me at this stage. Watch this week for improvement,


i hope so as malceski and him are the two blights on my team!


Quote from: felsty on June 25, 2012, 03:34:37 PM
i hope so as malceski and him are the two blights on my team!

Imagine 2 (Malcolm) 'blights' on your team!


Just can not decode on one of three options

Team as it stands for this week with 4 trades and $204k

DEF: B. Goddard, B. Deledio M. Johnson, D Heppell ,P Hanley, G Broughton, S Darley, (S.Shaw, L.Spurr)
MID: G. Ablett jnr, N Dal Santo, T. Rockliff, , M Priddis, A Treloar , J Selwood, (S Gibson,S Pendlebury)
RUC: S Jacobs, J. Giles (,J Reddan, O Stephenson)
FWD: L. Franklin,  D. Martin; B Harvey, , P. Dangerfield, A Goodes, D Zorko  S Sidebottom,  (A Sexton, H Crozier )
Trying to decide whether to finish def by
a) Trade Shaw to Suckling this week
b) Waiting a week or 2 for Carazzo or Fisher to bottom out
c) sit and rotate Shaw, Darley and Spurr through D7 until finals.

Favouring c but Suckling and Carrots bit hard to ignore.

Any advice welcome.  Team not as strong as I hoped but due to the caranage with injuries is the best I can do but not alone in this. 2 trades down on where I wanted to be as a result.

For information siting 3rd 4th, 8th, 10th and 11th in leagues. I game out of 8 in last 2 but % OK. Final League (11th) is very competitive and ranked in Top 20 overall


Assuming Shaw is out, i would go for option a or b. I think you need to get rid of him or Spurr.

If you play reasonably easy opoonents in the next 2 weeks in your most important league/leagues, wait for Carrots or Fisher. If you have some good opponents then i would be more inclined to go for Suckling.

Are you going for overall?


Hey Ringo,

I would hold your trades mate. I reckon Carazzo is the best option and by waiting a week or two you will also
get to have a look at any other injuries , players etc. that may occur this week.