Ringo's 2012 Team FF Updated - Please Read and comment

Started by Ringo, October 30, 2011, 07:20:13 PM

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Yup, the horse will be a popular target this week for that very reason.


Thoughts on these 2 options with Goodes suffering LTI (I consider anything greater than 4 weeks LTI as imo greater than 4 weeks is too long to have prems sitting on the bench.)

Option 1
Goodes to Beams
Kennedy to Horsely

Option 2
Goodes to Adams (GWS)
Kennedy to Horsley
Next Week depending on cash and prices
Shiel/Magner to Murphy
Porps to Beams.
Hopefully no injuries interfere
Still would have 15 trades left.


I admit, I haven't stopped to think much - option 1, I reckon, Ringo!


After some thought have come up with three options for Goodes. Need to make some decisions after last weeks shocking effort.

Current Team
DEF: B. Goddard (VC), B. Deledio, J. Geary, G Broughton, P Hanley, S Morris, T Bugg (J Paine, B. Ellis, )
MID: T. Rockliff, (C) J. Selwood, N Dal Santo, D Shiels, T Magner,J McDonald (A Treloar (E) G. Ablett jnr)
RUC: S Jacobs, J. Giles (,J Reddan, O Stephenson)
FWD: L. Franklin, A. Goodes,  B Harvey,  D. Martin, P. Dangerfield, J, Porplyzia,D Smith ,  (A Hall,A Kennedy ,(E)  )
Cash left $46,500  Trades left 19

Obviously waiting for teams to be announced but barring any last minute changes looking at 3 options with Goodes out for 6 weeks:

Option 1
Kennedy > Horsely via DPP
using DPP Goodes to Pendles

Option 2
Goodes > Beames
Kennedy > Horsley  via DPP.

Option 3
Goodes > Adams
Kennedy to Horsley via DPP.
Bank cash for further upgrades

Opinions appreciated but leaning slightly towards option 1 to give me a mid line up of Ablett, Pendles, Rockliff, Dal Santo, Selwood with one further upgrade possibly Horsley to Murphy to complete Mids. Will also give cover for Ablett if out this week.

Weakens forwards slightly but I think midfield will offset,


Is option one even a possibility? Once you move Kennedy to mids for Horsley you won't be able to swap Goodes into there?


Quote from: felsty on May 09, 2012, 03:52:13 PM
Is option one even a possibility? Once you move Kennedy to mids for Horsley you won't be able to swap Goodes into there?
felsty is correct, Option 1 doesnt work.

Kennedy to Horsley is a go via DPP

Then i would go Goodes to either

  • Beams
  • Adams (for the ca$h)
  • Chappy
  • Sidey
  • Pav
  • ROK
  • Stevie J (BE 33)


The joys of trying to sort things out.  Realised Option 1 does not work after posting when trialling it.
So will probably end up doing this:
Shiel to Horsely - Need Horsely for value and to assist bye situation.
Goodes to Pendles This is the week to get Pendles in.

Leaving me 17 trades plus $125k
Still need 5 trades for bye set up. So tossing up whether to cop more than 1 donut in a week to save trades. As I want at least 8 left after Round 13.


Not another good week for Round 7 with good scores allround
Score for week 2148  Weekly Rating 119335 Overall Rating 36608 (Down another 11k)
Stars - Giles and Franklin
Acceptable - Goddard, Delidio, Broughton, Hanley (81 for half a game) Selwood, Ablett, Dalsanto, Pendles (but not with C) and Dangerfield
Disappointments - Rockliff, Harvey, Martin (after great start), Geary.
Some rookies not performing either Porps, Bugg and Ellis.
Round 7 Team was:
DEF: B. Goddard (VC), B. Deledio, J. Geary, G Broughton, P Hanley, S Morris, T Bugg (J Paine, B. Ellis, )
MID: T. Rockliff, G. Ablett jnr.  S Pendlebury (C) Selwood, N Dal Santo, K Horsely, (T Magner,(E) J McDonald )
RUC: S Jacobs, J. Giles (,J Reddan, O Stephenson)
FWD: L. Franklin, A Kennedy,  B Harvey,  D. Martin, P. Dangerfield, J, Porplyzia, D Smith , (A Hall, A Treloar (E)
17 Trades and $125k.

Decisions for this week -
Obviously back line needs attention with Bugg, Geary near or at ceiling and Hanley possible injury.
Suggestions appreciated.
Thinking going Paine to Wilkes to get rid of Dead wood as one trade but am I replacing a problem with a problem.  Would Smedts be a better option even though it will cost me $13k.
Geary to Lake



Ringo, i think Paine is out for a while as got injured in the 2s.

If you dont get rid of Ellis now you will need to keep him till he makes some money back. (i was lucky enough to get rid of him last week)

Some ins could be Spurr, Delaney, Brennan, Wilkes, Smedts

I would go Paine and Geary out, Smedts and Lake (not sure, just check the sums)


Thanks Tabs - Confirms what I was thinking anyway and is OK.  Needed another Round 12 bye player and Smedts fits the bill.  Waiting for Team announcements though.


Structurally I think your in a lot of trouble in the forward line, too many R11 forward rookies.  IMO, setup your midfield too early, and I'm not sure how your going to fix everything in next 3 weeks.

No idea whats happening with Paine, but you definitely need another R12 defender like Spurr.


Thanks CS - What is your opinion on this strategy.
Paine to Smedts/Spurr to get a Playing Round 12 Defender.
Then work on getting Round 11 Rookies to Round 12 bye players.
Basically to meet the proposed desired bues structure of 8/11/11 I need to trade my 4 Round 11 Rookies to Round 12 Players so was thinking downgrades and upgrades to Beams/Sidey/Zaha/Pearce/Pav.  Been wanting to do this for a while but not a lot of non round 11 rookie forwards coming through.
Made the mistake of getting rid of Forward Mid DPP agh.

It is easy to give advice on teams but at times i wish had the knowledge to advise on my own team!!!


Geary's job security is good.  I think you should use him & Morris as a bye-keeper.

Ellis > Spurr
Kennedy > Zaharackis

Back line structure will be

DEF: 13/13/13/13/12/12/12 <11/11>

Grab zorko next week and keep getting R12 premium forwards for R11 rookies.


Thanks CS

I have placed on the Players Board a thread on Sexton. Making Debut this week for GC as replacement for Swallow this week. (Swallow out for 6 weeks so if he plays every week will get through bye period and may make cash.)  Seeing how he goes and maybe a worthwhile downgrade target with a Round 13 bye to get some cash as well. Been a bit hard though to get any reserve grade stats from the NEAFL.

Also with Bugg not being named is it worth while doing Bugg to Spurr for more cash for forward upgrades and cover for Hanley as well if he does not play. Will also allow me to go Kennedy to Sidebottom.  Does away with second Round 11 Back but not an issue in my Team structure.