Ringo's 2012 Team FF Updated - Please Read and comment

Started by Ringo, October 30, 2011, 07:20:13 PM

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Have just done Fyfe to Boomer and Yagmoor > Paine for this week.

Leaves me 20 trades and $46k, Will use one trade next week to rectify Ledger and then sit unless LTI interferes. Trading Strategy was 8 trades to Round 10 so comfortable at the moment.


wait wait, you bringing Paine into team? or you already have him?



Bringing in him this week for Yagmoor. Will make a little bit cash and be a nice downgrade target when Docherty plays.
This weeks Trades
Out Yagmoor in Paine
Out Fyfe In Harvey

Final Round 4 Team
Round 4 Team:
DEF: B. Goddard, B. Deledio, J. Geary, G Broughton, P Hanley, B. Ellis, T Bugg (J Paine, S Morris (E))
MID: G. Ablett jnr (C), T. Rockliff, J. Selwood, N Dal Santo, (VC) D Shiels, T Magner (T Ledger J McDonald (E))
RUC: S Jacobs, J. Giles (,J Reddan, O Stephenson)
FWD: L. Franklin, D Smith, B Harvey, D. Martin, P. Dangerfield, J, Porplyzia, A Kennedy,  (A Hall,(E) A. Goodes )
Cash left $46,500  Trades left 20


to be honest mate...i dont like the yagmoor > paine trade! If you want docherty then i would have just held yagmoor and traded to docherty when on bubble. If you really wanted yagmoor to go then i wouldve got hombsch or mohr if $$$ allowed. If didnt have enough cash then u couldve got sidearse in for fyfe (like me 8) ) having said that I like the fyfe > harvey trade!

Good luck




Because of my low cash situation wanted to make a little bit with Paine.  Not making any with Yagmoor. Know possibly waste but am comfortable where I sit at the moment.
Probably only go Ledger to Treloar this week.  Had another good game tonight. Will also give additional bench coverage should Ablett be out,.


Maybe I don't rate Paine's job security as much as you.  Personally, I don't think he is going to make enough $$$ to justify a trade.  Would rather wait for Docherty like Jayman said.  Too late anyhoo.


Round 4 score 2138 Overall Rating 6247
Won all 5 league matches.
Round 4 Team:
DEF: B. Goddard, B. Deledio, J. Geary, G Broughton, P Hanley, B. Ellis, T Bugg (J Paine, S Morris (E))
MID: G. Ablett jnr (C), T. Rockliff, J. Selwood, N Dal Santo, (VC) D Shiels, T Magner (T Ledger J McDonald (E))
RUC: S Jacobs, J. Giles (,J Reddan, O Stephenson)
FWD: L. Franklin, D Smith, B Harvey, D. Martin, P. Dangerfield, J, Porplyzia, A Kennedy,  (A Hall,(E) A. Goodes )
Cash left $46,500  Trades left 20

Stars: Geary continues to shine in my back line with Lids and Hanley also contributing scores in excess of 100. Rockliff gold in mids supported by Ablett and Selwood. Giles another 100+ contribution in ruck.
Rookies doing well Bugg, Morris, Ellis, but disappointed with magner, Shiel, Kennedy and Smith. Porps return of 95 sound.
Forwards my biggest disappointment with not 1 scoring over 100 - Harvey extremely so after trading him in for Fyfe. But I knew he did not score well against Sydney.
Decisions this week do i trade GAJ or bench!!!  Will probably just bench as overall has probably gone and in good position with leagues.
Will definitely Trade Ledger to Treloar



If thats the only bad decision I make for the year I will be happy but no doubt more to come :( :( :(

For your info CS liked the output of Jack Crisp last Saturday night so may be a very good downgrade option if he continues to get games.  I suspect he will be only in the team until Zorko gains fitness in reserves by which time he may have had a nice price rise if he maintains an average 70+


Each individual trade is based on a set of individual assumptions.  For example, here are some assumptions supporting trading GAJ

1. He will score poorly coming back from a lay off - say 110 SC.
2. 2-3 weeks could potentially come 4-5 weeks.
3. you don't have Pendles
4. and so on...

This is GAJ we are talking about.  With the information we have to go by, I would rather save the trade and give him the benefit of the doubt.

Actually, I am pretty pissed I traded Fyfe myself, but lets see if Ross Lyon was not mind flowering us.

Ledger > Treloar is a sensible trade.   

To be honest if you listened to my advice of going Fyfe > Birchall/Carrazzo, you would have been screwed over :D


Thats what we like about the forum.!!! Half the time wish I listened to my own advice.

Am I going to far out on a limb this week with putting Buddy as captain. Loves playing at Launceston and scores well against Sydney. May change though if the weather forecasts changes from a Shower or 2.


One of my rules is NEVER give Buddy captaincy unless we're at end of season and you need POD.  For me, NDS or Boomer are clear choices to bounce back after poor weeks.

Melbourne and GWS are two teams that concede the most fantasy points, captain here makes sense.