Ringo's 2012 Team FF Updated - Please Read and comment

Started by Ringo, October 30, 2011, 07:20:13 PM

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Round 3 Score 2215
Ranking 10374

Round 4
One trade Yagmoor > Paine who is on the bubble with a -21 B/E Will make a nice little profit and sit on pine as D9 for a while. (Thought of Mohr or Hombsch but they are $50k dearer)
Still contemplating whether to sit on Fyfe or go Fyfe to Harvey.  Both are in my desired Final Team so can be swayed either Way. Thinking that Fyfe may go down another $50k with a 201 B/E so do i trade to Boomer know and get Fyfe again when he bottoms out. Maybe wasting a trade.

Round 4 Team:
DEF: B. Goddard, B. Deledio, J. Geary, G Broughton, P Hanley, B. Ellis, T Bugg (J Paine, S Morris (E))
MID: G. Ablett jnr (C), T. Rockliff, J. Selwood, N Dal Santo, (VC) D Shiels, T Magner (T Ledger J McDonald (E))
RUC: S Jacobs, J. Giles (,J Reddan, O Stephenson)
FWD: L. Franklin, D Smith, N Fyfe, D. Martin, P. Dangerfield, J, Porplyzia, A Kennedy,  (A Hall,(E) A. Goodes )
Cash left $65,600  Trades left 21


Didn't take Mohr :O  Should have asked me about that, would have taken him easily.  Aggressive approach, would be to sell Fyfe now.  Personally, I would lean on the conservative side of keeping him.

See if Paine plays...  Would even consider Fyfe > Birchall/Carrots, allowing you to offload Paine for Treloar in following weak.  Can't see any back down grades in the near future.


Think I'd be grabbing Boomer - he's a beast atm. Age shall not weary ...


Forgot you had 50k. Can get 2 underpriced defenders right now and can fix the Paine issue.

Still something to think about, cost:performance ratio.


Thanks Guys -

Trade yesterday was was Yagmoor to Paine. Did not have enough cash to go Yagmoor to Mohr $500 short.  That is why I went Paine to get a little extra cash. Named for pies this week. Could not find a defender less than $152k as I wanted to keep 20k in case I went Fyfe to Boomer. If you know of one please advise. (Reversible trades come in handy.)

Probably will do Fyfe to Boomer as although he played with shoulder problems  last year it was not common knowledge as it is know and will only take a bump or 2 to pop out again.

Is this a better option: keep Fyfe and go Yagmoor to Tomlinson.

One more Trade Ledger > Bubble and then sit pending LTI's. (Hanley and Martin only concerns but will give them more three games to assess.)


Don't go Tomlo.

Yagmoor > Paine was always going to be dodgy.  If in doubt, just leave your non-playing rookies.  So I would say keep Paine now, if you don't play on switching him forwards.


Thanks CS - What about Fyfe to Boomer Gut is telling me do it as Fyfe may reinjure shoulder and require surgery.


Quote from: Ringo on April 20, 2012, 02:58:40 PM
Thanks CS - What about Fyfe to Boomer Gut is telling me do it as Fyfe may reinjure shoulder and require surgery.

Aggressive trade...  Strongly considering myself.  Don't like any other premium forwards.


Quote from: Ringo on April 20, 2012, 02:58:40 PM
Thanks CS - What about Fyfe to Boomer Gut is telling me do it as Fyfe may reinjure shoulder and require surgery.
im not sure about Harvey honestly!

i have had every year bar this one, but looking at is stats puts me off.
Including all NAB games, 8 games he has laid 6 tackles, last week he got 38d and 0 tackles. Teams will start to tag him to stop his run and then where is his scores going to come from, 38d and only 106sc pts for a winning team. Opposition know that Harvey has been there most dangerous player for yrs and now seeing how many he got against the Cats will go for the tag on him, stop him getting the outside ball and you stop him scoring


Quote from: Hippo on April 20, 2012, 03:09:20 PM
Quote from: Ringo on April 20, 2012, 02:58:40 PM
Thanks CS - What about Fyfe to Boomer Gut is telling me do it as Fyfe may reinjure shoulder and require surgery.
im not sure about Harvey honestly!

i have had every year bar this one, but looking at is stats puts me off.
Including all NAB games, 8 games he has laid 6 tackles, last week he got 38d and 0 tackles. Teams will start to tag him to stop his run and then where is his scores going to come from, 38d and only 106sc pts for a winning team. Opposition know that Harvey has been there most dangerous player for yrs and now seeing how many he got against the Cats will go for the tag on him, stop him getting the outside ball and you stop him scoring

lol harvey has always been tagged.


Quote from: charliesheen on April 20, 2012, 03:13:09 PM
Quote from: Hippo on April 20, 2012, 03:09:20 PM
Quote from: Ringo on April 20, 2012, 02:58:40 PM
Thanks CS - What about Fyfe to Boomer Gut is telling me do it as Fyfe may reinjure shoulder and require surgery.
im not sure about Harvey honestly!

i have had every year bar this one, but looking at is stats puts me off.
Including all NAB games, 8 games he has laid 6 tackles, last week he got 38d and 0 tackles. Teams will start to tag him to stop his run and then where is his scores going to come from, 38d and only 106sc pts for a winning team. Opposition know that Harvey has been there most dangerous player for yrs and now seeing how many he got against the Cats will go for the tag on him, stop him getting the outside ball and you stop him scoring

lol harvey has always been tagged.
yes he has i guess i could have explained it better!

He always gets a light tag just from the nature of his name, he wasn't tagged hard enough by Hunt and it hurt, all im saying is dont be surprised if he gets focused on more so this yr by the opposition now they are winning and he is racking up possies with all players looking to go through him

dont get me wrong hes a good pick, but you pose a question on a forum and i chose to respond with my view


Who would you take instead assuming you had to trade Fyfe + 50k?


Quote from: charliesheen on April 20, 2012, 03:37:08 PM
Who would you take instead assuming you had to trade Fyfe + 50k?
This is very much a dilemma for me as i too have Fyfe.

For me i'm going to trade him as i am ranked quite highly on both and the risk of keeping him etc is too much for me, just feel its a risk i can cancel out and dont need.

I started with Sideass and Robo so i am going to take the punt on Whitex BUT if i didn't have the other 2 then i would be going Sideass then Robbo and then WhiteX.

Sidey, locked in Pies midfield and can run all day long, loves a goal and a big game, wont get tagged! tick tick tick tick for me

i think he would be best but time will tell


Sidebottom is good option.  Think I will be staying away from most pies this year (SC wise).  They are not as fantasy conducive team as last year.

Likely no Shaw, Swan, Cloke, possibly Sidebottom at this stage.  DT I have him..

I still stand by Boomer being a very very safe pick.