Ringo's 2012 Team FF Updated - Please Read and comment

Started by Ringo, October 30, 2011, 07:20:13 PM

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Thanks Pic exhausted all options and scenarios today and agree that I will have to cop 2 donuts. Even with Ruck DPP the only real option is Lycett from West Coast and the chances of him getting games is nil so have to bite the bullet and accept donuts in round 12 and 13.


ringo,  would suggest u re-think having a mid-price starting ruck, i think it will cost u points overall.
  also u may want to change one of the bye12 premium forwards to a bye13 one
good luck with the year


Quote from: Ringo on February 16, 2012, 09:48:43 PM
Thanks Pic exhausted all options and scenarios today and agree that I will have to cop 2 donuts. Even with Ruck DPP the only real option is Lycett from West Coast and the chances of him getting games is nil so have to bite the bullet and accept donuts in round 12 and 13.

Dont sweat it.  Everyone has 2 zeroes min.
Id focus on ensuring your bye trades arent just to cover zeroes but actually improve your team.  Incidently consider ensuring your zeroes arent mid zeroes.  Im going for 2 fwd zeroes in same bye. 


+1 piccolo i'd say make sure not premium donuts, a non scoring rook can't sting as much as an elite donut.  :D


Quote from: upthemaidens on February 16, 2012, 09:49:29 PM
ringo,  would suggest u re-think having a mid-price starting ruck, i think it will cost u points overall.
  also u may want to change one of the bye12 premium forwards to a bye13 one
good luck with the year
Thanks worked that out during my scenarios today just trying to decide which way to go - Goodes to Rioli or Pav to Rioli

And Pic I have an ideal team that i want for finals so trades will be made with this end in mind, Team at the moment is 12 definite keepers plus possibly Lake, Brown and Barlow. Zac Smith may be a keeper if he finds form but if not will be upgraded to best ruck when time arrives.


tough pick in goodes or pav, i'd go pav i think goodes against history will start well, pav might need some time to settle into his new role, which will be very much fwd the dockers need him fwd all the time, tricky thing is thats where he scores best so how to decide goodes or pav??? i'd use a coin  :)


can someone please explain how you can get doughnuts.

from last count i have a 9,10,11

with the 3 trades you have and selection of the correct rookies i think you can get close to all players scoring albeit not heavily.
its where the overall will be won and lost and will consider it closer to season as it is a headpin.

regarding your team, obviously see how lake goes, if he goes well will think he will be a popular player. dont think r murph will be in the top defenders TBH.

Dont think Barlow will be in the top mids either but swallow is an excellent pick.

Z smith is a good unique pick but rucks are paramount and honestly think the big guns are needed

fwds- sidebottom,pav and goodes share bye so i would ditch sidebottom and look at someone from  martin,NRoo,dangerfield maybe. rookies ar subject to change but rowe,crozier and couch will struggle for game time

are you going for league or overall.
sorry if i gave to much criticism



Thanks Sons of Zeus - I have a goal this year of breaking into top 1000 3rd year of SC 56186 first year; 12189 last year mainly due to discovering this site half way through the season.  So to answer highest possible score.
All your comments were welcome. I consider Sidebottom and Smith capable of big years this year and hence my selection as possible POD from mainstream sides along with Bob Murphy

Collie has given you his link to explain byes but pure maths dictates 2 donuts due to Rucks.


Quote from: Colliwobblers on February 16, 2012, 11:02:09 PM
tough pick in goodes or pav, i'd go pav i think goodes against history will start well, pav might need some time to settle into his new role, which will be very much fwd the dockers need him fwd all the time, tricky thing is thats where he scores best so how to decide goodes or pav??? i'd use a coin  :)
Went Pav to Rioli hope i pulled the right rein. Will watch in NAB cup. Pav will then be an upgrade target after byes.


Cudos to you ringo for all the teams you have time to rate but just curious what do you rate your own team? Not be a smart ass just curious?


Currently I rate this team 8/10 Just trying to sort out which of Martin, Rioli or Harvey to put in as prem forward to ensure I get no prem donuts.  Working on the strategy that as we have to take 2 donuts they are better to be rookies rather than prems.


Mate I am the same except without harvey.

Another for me is shaw/zara or fyfe/ grimes

I guess no team can be full marks until maybe after nabs exposed form


All your premiums will have a rest Ringo.  Not sure what premium donuts are?  Avoiding mid donuts is the key.  If you have lots of prems out in the one week it doesn't matter too much as long as you have rookies covering - its just means the difference between your good bye weeks and bad weeks will vary by slightly more. 


Probably should have been a little bit clearer Pic - What I meant is i do not want the situation where I have 3 prems on the same line having the bye in the same week so that is what i meant by prem donut. (Do not know whether it is an official term).  Trying to have rookie donuts rather than prem donuts.