Ringo's 2012 Team FF Updated - Please Read and comment

Started by Ringo, October 30, 2011, 07:20:13 PM

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Have updated yet again to remove Gibbs as Back and made a few other changes.

Rucks will probably be set and forget unless injury or form changes things.
Rookies again subject to change based on pre season

TEAM NAME: Circles Underdogs
DEF: B. Goddard, C. Newman, B. Deledio, B. Houli, P. Bower, M. Talia, B. Smedts (J. Lockyer, T. Hine)
MID: S. Pendlebury, M. Murphy, G. Ablett jnr, J. Selwood, J. Redden, S. Kerridge (A. Morabito, E. Kavanagh)
RUC: M. Leuenberger, D. Cox (J. Giles, O. Stephenson)
FWD: L. Franklin, L. Adams, J. Brown, T. Cloke, A. Saad, S. Kersten, D. Zorko (I. Folau, J. Porplyzia)
CASH LEFT: $24,100

Feel free to pull apart

Wouldn't be that confident with Bower.
Talia looks ok but i'm going to wait & see.
Morabito- wait & see his role.
Adams...interesting...time will tell
Would have question marks over Kersten's place in team just at the moment assuming no injuries,,,

Other than these more 'obvious' selections, i guess time and pre-season will tell!!  8)


Updated Team 27 December to reflect Final Prices and Byes

TEAM NAME: Circles Underdogs
DEF: B. Goddard, G. Broughton, B. Deledio, B. Lake, B. Ellis, A. Toovey, B. Smedts (J. Bews, S. Morris)
MID: S. Pendlebury, M. Murphy, G. Ablett jnr, M. Barlow, D. Rich, J. McDonald (S. Docherty, D. Zorko)
RUC: M. Leuenberger, B. McEvoy (J. Giles, O. Stephenson)
FWD: L. Franklin, N. Fyfe, J. Brown, A. Saad, J. Moore, A. Pattison, S. Clifton (A. Christensen, S. Rowe)
CASH LEFT: $2,500

Feel free to comment and be brutal. First attempt with byes and updated prices. Docherty and Zorko in mids are to give the DPP to backs and forwards.

Think Rich will benefit this year from the extra attention both Rockliff and Redden will receive.


Hey Ringo - i feel that your forwards and backs have way too long a tail - Saad at F4 and Lake at B4.

I feel Rich will not break into the top 10-15 mids so as such is a very expensive midpricer! I made a mistake taking Boak last year and fully regretted the pick - doubt that Rich will be any different, just doesnt pick up enough touches consistently - also would still be the one sides tag most as Rocky is sometimes wayward with his kicking. Is Rich's tank developed enough? I think that Rocky has such a big tank that he is nigh on impossible to tag btw. Redden i really love as a tackling machine. Reckon both those kids will out score Rich.
Both Barlow and Rich just too risky and expensive - especially if neither come off?
JB seems a big risk - when was the last time he played 20 games, will the body hold out?

I like the inclusion of James McDonald.
Rucks look fine.
The ten premiums look very solid - 7 of them are likely to grace most sides - Goddard, Deledio, Pendles, Murphy, Gazza, Buddy, and Fyfe.


Thank You for comments appreciated:

Maybe not the exact order just the way the come out of FF.  Moore will probably be F4 and Christensen F5 or vice versa.
Brownie played all but 1 game in seaons 2007 t0 2009 so endurance is there and it is only injury that slowed him down.

With Backs Toovey is probably B4 and Lake B5

I have selected Rich based on this article - know clubs talk up players but he has been tearing it up in pre season training.

With current set up I have calculated that I can avoid donuts in Rounds 11 -13 with no trades in Round 11 and 3 each in Rounds 12 & 13.


Fair enough Ringo - still that article wont help him gain any more of the footy? Fact is last year he only averaged 19 touches per game - not good enough for mine, and you have to ask yourself will he be top ten total ponts in mids???? Also opposition coaches still recognise him as a goal scoring danger - so he will be watched closely

For mine - Ablett, Pendles, Selwood, Murphy, Judd, Swan, Dal Santo, Mitchell, Redden, Rocky, Daisy, Watson, Priddis, Shuey, Scott Thompson, Montagna, and Boyd will all score higher than him.

If you see him better than these blokes then pick him, cause in the end we are after the more points possible!

I also cant see Toovey averaging more than 60 this either btw

I'm a guns rookie man this year - last year i started with Boak - and he disappointed badly. Hope Rich will be different for you though.


Just thought I would through this muck around Team out there for comment:
Strategy behind it is that Rucks this year may be all over the place with really no standouts so I came up with a weak structure offset by strength in other lines.
Feel free to pull apart and comment  on Strategy especially if strengths will offset loss in rucks
GODDARD, Brendon [MID]
GRIMA, Nathan
LAKE, Brian
ELLIS, Brandon
SMEDTS, Billie [FWD]

BARLOW, Michael

WEST, Trent
GILES, Jonathan

BROWN, Jonathan
SAAD, Ahmed
HALL, Aaron


I could get behind the weak ruck, but your forward line is weak also :( Think you'll be spending all your time fixing it


Ringo u got Darren Pfeiffer twice.
I wold consider Sam Rowe at R4 - he may get some game time at Carlton. Other than that that ruck structure is really too radical!

Seems as if you have looked for some PODs - starting x2 North backs is interesting. Both are KDPs and could be rather risky, yet i dont mind them at all. Looks as if Grima is making good progress from his patchy '11 (back dramas iirc). I'm not a fan of Lake as you have probs read from my other  squad reviews. Dont like Suban for fantasy - seems to be stuck around the 60s mark - waste of a mid pricer there. I would down grade him to say Morris and use the extra coin elsewhere.

Somehow i feel that Swan and Pendles should both be top 5 total point scorers - i see you will only be able to trade in one - i presume you intend to keep your 5 starting mids?

I dont mind your forwards though - four solid keepers there. I can see Sidebottom improving into the 90s and JB is a star worth the punt i guess.


TEAM NAME: Circles Underdogs Updated 8th January
DEF: B. Goddard, B. Deledio, G. Broughton, N. Grima, B. Lake, M. Buntine, B. Ellis (S. Morris, B. Smedts)
MID: G. Ablett jnr, M. Murphy, J. Selwood, M. Barlow, K. Jack, L. Brown (J. McDonald, T. Couch)
RUC: M. Leuenberger, M. Lobbe (J. Giles, O. Stephenson)
FWD: L. Franklin, M. Pavlich, D. Martin, J. Brown, J. Porplyzia, D. Pfeiffer, A. Saad (A. Treloar, D. Zorko)
CASH LEFT: $3,400

Comments on this team welcome  - Know I have gone with Lobbe as second Ruck but I expect him to step up this year with the departure of Brogan and may be one of my uniques. Have gone with a prem and mid price ruck structure and loaded up other lines.
Rookies not set in stone and will be reassessed following NAB Cup. Reasonably happy with prems.

All comments welcome and feel free to pull apart.


We all know that lake and porps are in the team as a wait and see approach, it's very early but they will be in everyone's team if they have a good nab! Not so sure about lobbe! Brogs didn't play much last year and he didn't cut the mustard, with renouf coming into the list I say no no for me! Can't wait to see all rmt come end of march


Thank You
As a Port supporter Do you think Renouf will get more time than Lobbe   Originally I was tempted to go to Renouf who was $160k cheaper but went for the higher value. May still do and have a bigger upgrade some where else. eg Porps may become Varcoe


Yeh mate IMO that's why port traded for him. Lobbe still 2 yrs away from being #1 ruck, but as all selections go at this point wait for preseason games!  Would be ditching pfeiffer b4 porps. Tomlinson is in my team ATM as dpp swap with smedts b/f.


Hi Ringo,

I've seen you've changed your team quite a fair bit each time.  Interested to hear your thoughts on who you think are 100% locks.  What I've done is written down a list of who I think will fall into the top 10 in each position at the end of 2012 without looking at the byes so that my decision making is not compromised.  Then I've adjusted some of my picks based on the bye situation and the fixtures.

You should probably add Clifton in there somewhere  ;)


Thanks CS missed you for a while. I put a couple of play teams up separately for comments on different strategies but in the end they all got into this thread.

I have 2 lists going at the moment for my team one that lists the 15 prems I would like to have from Round 1 and a list of low to medium price players who have potential to increase in value and possibly be keepers Brownie, Jack and Grima are on this list to assist meeting cap and the other a list of about 25 rookies to keep an eye on in NAB Cup including Clifton.

Do you think the DPP is important this year. I do not think it is as important as last year but I think still need a bit of flexibility.

Ideally my 4 keepers for each position would be and i appreciate your comments on this:
Backs: Goddard, Lids, Shaw, Broughton/Adcock
Mids: Ablett, Murphy, Selwood, Barlow (IF I can not get enough to upgrade to Swan or Pendles)
Rucks: Berger Mummy/McEvoy
Forwards: Franklin, Pav, Martin, Brown if he can remain injury free.

Not enough cash at the moment for all


Tough question, I think a lot depends on your strategy, which will be a very individual thing.

Personally, I wouldn't risk it with K. Jack.  I think Barlow, Lake, Grima, Porpz, will be enough on your plate.  Maybe consider merging KJack with something else.

Lobbe is an interesting selection, otherwise solid structure.