The Official WXV Draft

Started by ossie85, October 16, 2011, 08:26:54 PM

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meow meow

Cookie Monster - Last Active:
    Today at 9:14:58 PM

Tick Tock.

He must have seen that Rosa got picked and cracked it and decided to go offline again.


Quote from: meow meow on November 15, 2011, 10:33:29 PM
Cookie Monster - Last Active:
    Today at 10:14:58 PM

Tick Tock.

He must have seen that Rosa got picked and cracked it and decided to go offline again.
It's 9:40.

Oh wait I'm guessing you have corrected your clock?

Well then less than 2 hours before you get to pick then :)

meow meow

It looks like it says 9:14 to me. You're crazy.

Cookie Monster

meow meow

Justin Bieber

Quote from: Cookie Monster on November 15, 2011, 11:13:07 PM
Luke Bruest
>:( >:( >:(. He was my next pick and had that locked in for a while :'(.

meow meow

Justin Bieber

Nice pick Meowtwo, one for the future for sure 8).

Maca and Fisher are up next :).


Breust was high up on my list too. Matera a little further down.

So far got my lists for different positions. Need to put them together all in to one list soon before I go though...

meow meow

I just know I am going to end up with about 4 backmen. Maybe Higgo will save the day and be the first ever triple position player. They won't have them, but he played more backline than forward this year. He'll probably only get mid, and make me regret using pick 4 on him. I guess it doesn't matter where he is listed as when he is out injured.


has maca given his picks to anyone?? cause he is on a school camp for a couple of days


Hopefully gave them to ossie then.
You have no way of contacting him?


i can try and text him but i dont know if he has his phone or if he will get reception


Have nothing from Maca, sigh :(


I'm leaning towards skipping Maca, sent him a message on the 12th asking for picks, and he must have known he was going away.

So unless anyone objects, FisherSaints is up