Breaking News: Trading System to be Changed

Started by Barlow 21, October 03, 2011, 10:55:29 AM

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Master Q

Quote from: Barlow 21 on October 03, 2011, 04:07:17 PM
Quote from: DazBurg on October 03, 2011, 03:57:41 PM
can't help but think of the old saying

"if it ain't broke don't fix it"

I agree. I hope it doesn't get changed but it is very likely it will. :(
I disagree. I don't see any reason for DT & SC to change it's rules.

Wildcard is just stupid as it takes away skill and just adds more luck. Unlike EPL Fantasy you have over 30 players unlike EPL where you have about 14  ::)

Barlow 21

Master Q


Quote from: Master Q on October 03, 2011, 07:12:01 PM
Quote from: Barlow 21 on October 03, 2011, 06:44:41 PM
So you agreeing with me and Daz or ?
Daz. I'm disagreeing with you.

So don't fix it or do? Cause all 3 of you seem to be agreeing to not fix it?

I'm also thinking that they shouldn't change it, it just takes out the skill of a good coach and choosing the right players and having good emergency cover.  Too many kids as it is, especially in live chat..

Just read Moneyball, and loved the section on them talking about the emotional/psychological strength of players...Shaw would be one of those players that you wouldn't risk having in your team, though Darling did prove the chance was worth it.


Quote from: demon_spud on October 03, 2011, 08:25:32 PM
Quote from: Master Q on October 03, 2011, 07:12:01 PM
Quote from: Barlow 21 on October 03, 2011, 06:44:41 PM
So you agreeing with me and Daz or ?
Daz. I'm disagreeing with you.

So don't fix it or do? Cause all 3 of you seem to be agreeing to not fix it?

I'm also thinking that they shouldn't change it, it just takes out the skill of a good coach and choosing the right players and having good emergency cover.  Too many kids as it is, especially in live chat..

Just read Moneyball, and loved the section on them talking about the emotional/psychological strength of players...Shaw would be one of those players that you wouldn't risk having in your team, though Darling did prove the chance was worth it.
well i'm saying leave it the way it is
thats what makes it fun the fact it is all down to good strategy 


I agree with most, if not all of you. But especially DazBurg-- "if it ain't broke don't fix it". Being in the "upper age group", i beleive a lot of the people that i know would find it all to hard, ie growing kids- sports-work engagements -life in general. I for one own a basic mobile- phone (work- emergencies-bail my son out lol) to worry about all these changes I honestly think this will take the skill and good team management away from the game. Ringo's spot on 7;40 , lock out time!! Thats my 2 cents worth. Wont be happy Jan!!!!!!


Quote from: Dudge on October 03, 2011, 09:30:50 PM
I agree with most, if not all of you. But especially DazBurg-- "if it ain't broke don't fix it". Being in the "upper age group", i beleive a lot of the people that i know would find it all to hard, ie growing kids- sports-work engagements -life in general. I for one own a basic mobile- phone (work- emergencies-bail my son out lol) to worry about all these changes I honestly think this will take the skill and good team management away from the game. Ringo's spot on 7;40 , lock out time!! Thats my 2 cents worth. Wont be happy Jan!!!!!!
Hear Hear
well said 8)


I'll rate the first one, rolling lockout. If fact, I believe I was suggesting such a rule l
this season. It removes an element of luck with the substitution rule, which, let's be frank, it's just luck as to who get or doesn't get selected at least half the time. If I was them I would be removing the loophole rule bug, to stop, as someone said, having two bites of the apple.


I only started playing DT and SC for the last 5 rounds of the year, but they shouldn't change the trading system to suit rookies such as myself. Let us learn the hard way - thats where the fun comes in later on - the satisfaction of overcoming the challenges with little help. Only reversable trades sounds ok, but we should only have maybe 2 in the season, or trading just happens for the sake of trading. Wild cards could possibly work with injuries/surgery/resting in the final round. Like others have said, a rolling lockout suits those that can sit on their computer or continuously check their phone all day.
I personally have no problem with the current system, so there is no need to change it.


I dont like any of them, except maybee a rolling lockout for subbing but not trading. Casptain and VC must be locked beofre the round to avoid the loophole.

The only thing i want to see is you can move your team around when you are trading. This really annoyed me when i was playing this year with heaps of DPP. So lets say i have Franklin and he gets a season ending injury and i want to trade him out but i dont want to get any forwards instead i can get rid of him than put a guy like issac smith who is on my mids bench in his place and than i trade in ablett with the money.

the game is already easy enough the DPP rule above is a smart move that makes the game better for all users without dumbing it down so serious Dters dont feel cheated.

Personally i hate the wildcard rule. The only way it would work is one week (your wildcard week) you can do lets say 3 or 4 trades that week, and these still come of your total of 20 trades. Also back to 20 trades.


Yeh i think that the trading system is best left untouched. I cant see any of the suggested changes increasing the amount of people who play DT/SC, which i assume would be a key element in making the changes. The only thing that i feel would be necessary out of all suggested would be the reversable trades up until lockout. Even with that though i can only think of one instance where it would have been of significant use, with that being Heath Shaws suspension. Yet if your forced to trade early due to other commitments before lockout, then you wont benifit from it anyway.


Quote from: Holzman on October 04, 2011, 03:54:01 AM
I dont like any of them, except maybee a rolling lockout for subbing but not trading. Casptain and VC must be locked beofre the round to avoid the loophole.

The only thing i want to see is you can move your team around when you are trading. This really annoyed me when i was playing this year with heaps of DPP. So lets say i have Franklin and he gets a season ending injury and i want to trade him out but i dont want to get any forwards instead i can get rid of him than put a guy like issac smith who is on my mids bench in his place and than i trade in ablett with the money.

the game is already easy enough the DPP rule above is a smart move that makes the game better for all users without dumbing it down so serious Dters dont feel cheated.

Personally i hate the wildcard rule. The only way it would work is one week (your wildcard week) you can do lets say 3 or 4 trades that week, and these still come of your total of 20 trades. Also back to 20 trades.

oh yeah, I should have clarified I support it for substitutions, for actual trading... not as much.

Yerp, I like the dpp idea as well. Was also something that pissed me off this season.


Reversible trades until lock out I've been saying should be in for years! So yay!


I think the rolling lockout is not a bad option, so we can change any player who starts as a sub. It is the only part of the game that annoys me. It can cost you a game to a much lesser opponent. You can see why they would want to do this, it would keep more people logged on their sites for longer.

The other 2 changes i think are un called for.


Quote from: 8-6 Suited on October 03, 2011, 03:53:20 PM
Quote from: Barlow 21 on October 03, 2011, 03:49:56 PM
Just remember guys Virtual Sports are trying to make it easier for the non-serious players.

It isn't hard as it is.
And a rolling lockout would just make it harder for non-serious players who aren't willing to sit there and change their team around before every match anyway