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Fletch's World of Fielding

Started by Fletch74, September 23, 2011, 04:36:56 PM

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Following on from Shaggy's School of FTP tactics, I've decided to look at some stats around FTP and whether you can pick up that little benefit which helps you get that edge over our opponent. I'll be looking at doing some more of these over time, but I must stress it takes time, so be patient :)

To start us of, I've decided to start with fielding. Some of us are very keen on fielding, others not so much. HP has always been the main advocate of fielding as being a very important aspect of the game.

Fielding has the following qualitative benefits;

  • It helps keep wages down
  • As of next season all wicket checks that require fielding will be checked against that players fielding skill level
  • It helps keep the runs down from your opponent

etc, etc

So here goes, should we get annoyed when an opponent who has lower fielding rating than you gets more positive fielding checks than you, or is it another randome feature of the ME?

Firstly, I started by using the first 5 rounds of the FF U24 Cup. The range of rating level varies from about 160k in these matches to about 100k in one match. Whether this is conclusive, I don't know. Matches where the ratings are a lot higher (ie. 200K - the results may vary slightly)

I've also chosen friendlies as this represents the way we will be going in Season 15, as all wicket checks involving fielding already are checked against the players level of fielding skill.

So, the first study I undertook was the % of Fielding of rating to the Overall rating

Fielding %

As this shows, the higher your Fielding ratings % of your overall rating, the more likely you are to have Higher Net fielding checks, but does that always occur? Did the teams that won most of the time like myself, Baz, ML, and Sid have the better fielding ratings %, therefore skewing the data?

Not necessarily. From using a regression analysis, using this data that only 14.8% of Fielding Checks can be explained by having better % of fielding ratings in your total overall rating That means that there is still 85.2% of other factors that explain how fielding checks are determined.

The so called trend line equated to be y=-52.6 + 909.9x What does that mean? It means that if you had "0%" fielding ratings that you would get -52.6 fielding checks, and that for every 1% increase in % of overall total that your fielding rating represented, you would get an 9.09 extra fielding checks.

I also decided to check the Field ratings against the Fielding checks

Fielding Ratings

To be honest, this didn't explain much different than the first analysis. The regression analysis provided that y=-17.99 + 0.0025x This means that with "0" Field Ratings you'll have -18 Net Fielding Checks, and that for every increase in Fielding rating by 1 you will get an increase in fielding check of 0.0025, that 2.5 fielding per 1,000 fielding ratings.

Again, the regeression showed that only 14.95% of the Net fielding checks were explained by Fielding ratings...

So, how random are the fielding checks, are they influenced by the bolwers, the batsmen, the conditions? What do we all think?

By the way, some other interesting results, which might emphasise that fielding is relatively random are;

32% won their match, when their Fielding Rating was the Highest, as well as having greater Fielding checks
20% won their match, when their Fielding Rating was the Highest, although having lower Fielding checks
16% won their match, when their Fielding Rating was the Lowest, as well as having lower Fielding checks
32% won their match, when their Fielding Rating was the Lowest, although they had greater Fielding checks


  • Only 52% of teams won when their Fielding Ratings were the highest. Obviously other factors (Bowling/Batting)
  • However, 64% of teams won their match when they had greater Fielding Checks than their opponent

This clearly shows that you can have lower fielding ratings and still win a match, but when you have worse fielding checks than your opponent, you have a higher chance of losing.

If you have any other stats you would like me to have a look at, let me know ;) The only problem is that it may take some time with work, family, and I have an exam in about a month :)


some of my youth players who are coming into seniors next season have a 1 level tech gap

should i not worry about having both primaries at the same level and refocus on fielding?


Depends which way the tech gap is. I'd presume that the tech was behing the primary. If so, yes. I'd always bring a youth into seniors with at least average fielding.

Master Q

Justin Bieber

Quote from: Fletch74 on September 23, 2011, 04:49:06 PM
Depends which way the tech gap is. I'd presume that the tech was behing the primary. If so, yes. I'd always bring a youth into seniors with at least average fielding.
For a start, I agree :). Same with when you decide to buy players, try to buy them with average fielding as a bare minimum.

I've always been big on fielding as it has saved me in many matches (Especially causing the upsets last 2 seasons). But the other big reason why I do it, as Fletch pointed out, is wages. It manages to save runs (more likely) and can keep your wages low, especially so you can keep your team. I have done fielding usually in early 20's as it'll slow down as age gets older. I try to get Youths who are promoting to Seniors at Reasonable but that's my standard.


i know that fielding checks are harder to pass with the last couple of updates to the ME but with a low YA should fielding still be a priority for youths?

Justin Bieber

It trains fastest when they are young so I'd say work them to Ordinary at least as it'll be alot faster to gain levels young. Could probably get 2-3 Fielding Pops for every Primary/Tech pop so I'd advise it. Although if you don't care about youths, could just bypass fielding as they'll never be superstars in that area (U19 NATs can get games with Ordinary/Average Fielding). Currie and Gallagher did have an edge and were chosen to tour because of their fielding :D (But doubt that counts for many others). It doesn't hurt but if primaries are like poor or ordinary, I'd work on them first. If they are a chance to make seniors, work on them sometime in their youth career before they promote is my advice.

roo boys!

Are catching fielding checks harder to pass than normal misfield/great fielding? Because last night my team dropped 3/4 catches but misfielded 2/20 fielding chances ???


Quote from: roo boys! on September 24, 2011, 09:23:46 AM
Are catching fielding checks harder to pass than normal misfield/great fielding? Because last night my team dropped 3/4 catches but misfielded 2/20 fielding chances ???
Not reallysure on that one RB. All I can tell you is that ATM, wicket checks are only based 66% of the time on the players fielding level, and that of next season 100% will be.

I'm not sure if there is a random effect or not in that regards. My analysis only explained 14-15% of the fielding checks. Obviously, there are many other components which make up the fielding check, whether that be randomness, or that individual fielders fielding skill.

What were the levels of fielding for those individual players who dropped the catch?

roo boys!

Quote from: Fletch74 on September 24, 2011, 10:24:37 AM
Quote from: roo boys! on September 24, 2011, 09:23:46 AM
Are catching fielding checks harder to pass than normal misfield/great fielding? Because last night my team dropped 3/4 catches but misfielded 2/20 fielding chances ???
Not reallysure on that one RB. All I can tell you is that ATM, wicket checks are only based 66% of the time on the players fielding level, and that of next season 100% will be.

I'm not sure if there is a random effect or not in that regards. My analysis only explained 14-15% of the fielding checks. Obviously, there are many other components which make up the fielding check, whether that be randomness, or that individual fielders fielding skill.

What were the levels of fielding for those individual players who dropped the catch?
One was dropped by the keeper, but he also took the one catch (Outs keeping summary)
The other was dropped by Furlonge with capable fielding.
The other by Valkjosandi with reliable fielding.


In this case, it was probably a bit of luck. ATM, the ME only associates catching checks 66 per cent of the time with fielding level in competitive matches, so it was probaly just unlucky.


Fielding is starting to become alot more important in FTP due to as you mentioned fletch the ME changes for fielding checks. As such a majority of my side are on fielding training


I love fielding so much i chose to buy this guy:

The guy who had him also loves fielding. :)


Why did you buy him PB?
That is just a waste of 2k, plus the 1.5k each week you pay him for wages ::)


He will cost you 22.5k per year (even more with wage changes) warming your bench. You tool ::)