AFL vs AFLPA pay dispute - j959's rant against AFL CEO's hypocrisy #2

Started by j959, September 21, 2011, 02:28:41 PM

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this might get moved to the AFL boards but i wanted to intersperse the great Elxam awards topics for some more varied good ol' fashioned FB chat ...  ;)

Demetriou i think has done a decent job growing the game and developing it in his time as AFL CEO. i think he is a bit overpaid but his salary isn't way over the top. the thing that gives me the sh*ts about him is his hypocrisy in his (especially recent) comments about:

1) 'loyalty' regarding the Mark Harvey shafting/Ross Lyon paratrooping; &
2) in relation to the AFL & AFLPA pay dispute - ie 'there is no more money'.

2) my assertion here is that Demetriou is a big hypocrite on this issue saying 'there is no more money' when the likes of K.Hunt, Folau, Scully, Ward, Palmer etc get their millions (not that I would begrudge any of them getting those millions - supply and demand, the market pays what it can afford, so good luck to them).

Hopefully people/the general public can connect the dots and realise that so long as the AFLPA ask for a fair deal (which I haven't see the contrary of to date - it is unwise to bite off the hand that feeds you), the AFL shouldn't deal in absolutes of 'this is our last and final offer, there is no more money'.

again the AFL tries to take the high road on this issue and tries to win the PR war feeding the media stories of fans cheesed off with rich players earning the big bucks while their ticket prices go up - smacks very much of the record company execs crying poor when internet file-sharing took off, which saw their profits plummet despite most artists getting paid a measly percentage of music sales by the record companies.

blind Freddy can see that there is money out there, but the AFLPA do have to be careful not to cripple the system, but nothing they've done to date has indicated that this is their aim to me.

that's my rant on the second of two somewhat inter-related issues, cos obviously I could not be bothered finding references for any of it!   ;)

am I being overly crticial of the AFL CEO??
please join in the discussion below ...  8)


what?!? no-one have a view on this??  ???    ;)

(yeah, i'm a bit drunk but nowhere near "BP" drunk!!!)   ;)


I don't pay attention to how the inner workings of the afl goes on. I just watch the pretty numbers total up next to captain ablett/swan :P


Nothing surer than there will, eventually, be an agreed outcome.

As I heard it, the current sticking point is not the $$$, but the period of the deal. An agreement seems to have been reached over the "superannuation", as that hasn't been a talking point for some months.

AFL want a five year deal. AFLPA wants a shorter deal, so that they can come back to the table sooner. They don't want to have their pay and conditions all locked away for 5 years based on a deal made in an adverse economic environment.

Few, if any, other industrial deals have been done for a 5 year term. The AFL has inflated expectations if they think they can do a 5 year deal with the players. Most unions want to be able to negotiate these deals more regularly, to ensure that pay and conditions better reflect the economics of the day throughout the term of the agreement - including towards its end.

The present economic situation does not lend itself to even a 3 year prediction, let alone guessing at what things will be like in 5 years time.