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The Kurt Tippett Award

Started by Hellopplz, September 16, 2011, 11:39:19 PM

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Quote from: Master Q on September 17, 2011, 05:52:27 PM
Luigi TBH you've barely posted once you've made Coach  :P
Q is right  :-X :P


Quote from: Maca24 on September 17, 2011, 06:03:13 PM
Quote from: Master Q on September 17, 2011, 05:52:27 PM
Luigi TBH you've barely posted once you've made Coach  :P
Q is right  :-X :P

correction: i barely posted once school started up again and i started to focus back my attention. plus, i strived during the off-season not because i wanted to get to coach, because i had more time to properly read and respond. not just do something little and wiisdom-lacking just to get my count up.
but it doesnt give BB the right to say that everything i post is "absoloute rubbish" :(


You really don't understand sarcasm don't you.
Much like you didnt know what a verb was.


But luigi you are constantly posting everywhere else such as the FTP thread all the time. School doesn't seem to stop you doing that ;)


Quote from: CrowsFan on September 17, 2011, 07:05:24 PM
But luigi you are constantly posting everywhere else such as the FTP thread all the time. School doesn't seem to stop you doing that ;)
And if I really cared about my post count would I stay in the non-counted boards? I think not.
And you just got to coach because I told you to. Stop bullshowering.
Obviously you have no wisdom, because you cant even spell it right.
And you absolutely can't spell.
God find a spell checker or something.

roo boys!

Not a spelling mistake ::) It was clearly just a typo, there is a difference there.


You dont know him like I do, he can't spell :P

roo boys!


Master Q

Quote from: bomberboy0618 on September 17, 2011, 06:56:56 PM
You really don't understand sarcasm don't you.
Much like you didnt know what a verb was.
Are you talking about you or me? Because I wasn't joking...


I had forgotten what a verb was for like a minute and i cant be bothered fixing typos. Do i get spelling right in class? yes. you just think your so much better than me BB and think you know how smart I am and you thinkk youre SO much smarter than me just because you got a scholarship... you Inglis

And if you look carefully, i posted in the SC boards during the season, at the same time when i was asking for help. I thought that because i posted to ask for help, i should help back in return by posting in the SC threads while ppl were helping me. but i hadnt had to ask for too much help in the SC board cause i actually posted a lot in the Coaches Board SC threads, and then again, i didn't have to rely solely on FF for my trades anyway.
also-Things like SM, FTP and here in the Front Bar dont require much effort to type you know.

Also, you said that i should get to coach quickly so that we could do the Elxam togethor, and plus, at the time, i trusted you in the fact that i should get there quick because i had to. So yeah, i tried to get to coach a little faster at one stage because you had told me to bb. But when i was posting, i was still making sure it was quality, and not just one line saying "BUDDY!" or "8/10"; i made sure i put in explanations as well. and you know that, you just cant admit it BB that my posts have way more quality than yours.


Come on guys. You are both showing your age here..
Who cares who is smarter?
Nothing is more annoying than people who look down on others  :-\


I will stop now like a mature person would, i just dont appreciate BB continuing on like this. Would've thought he was better than this. But i'll stop now.



Quote from: Luigi197 on September 17, 2011, 08:46:38 PM
I will stop now like a mature person would, i just dont appreciate BB continuing on like this. Would've thought he was better than this. But i'll stop now.
Yea fair enough luigi. What I said was more directed at him anyway in regards to being childish  ;)

LoL CF - Perhaps we should re-open the Jakovich/Carey award  :P