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The FF All Australian Team

Started by Hellopplz, September 05, 2011, 09:50:05 PM

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I'll go half-forward flank. lol   ;D


I'll be the guy thats cuts the grass before the match.

Justin Bieber

I was planning on naming the team tonight so will be a tough ask :-\. This may take a while though!!!

Justin Bieber

Quote from: LaHug on September 07, 2011, 11:07:15 PM
B: LaHug, LaHug, LaHug
HB: LaHug, LaHug, LaHug
C: LaHug, LaHug, LaHug
HF: LaHug, LaHug, LaHug
FF: LaHug, LaHug, LaHug
R: LaHug, LaHug, LaHug
INT: LaHug, LaHug, LaHug, Sub: LaHug
EMER: LaHug, LaHug, LaHug

Coach: LaHug
Assistants: LaHug, LaHug, and LaHug
Captain: LaHug

Much better... ;)
I'm like a week and a half too late :P. Didn't read your post before Huggy Bear :(. Do I take that as 30 votes for yourself or just 1? :P.

This is from what everybody has voted for so far with maybe a few tweaks made by me so some of the pure fantasy posters do gain a spot :).

Justin Bieber

The Official FanFooty All Australian Team Announcement Starts Now...

First Back Pocket is...... Hellopplz.

Second Back Pocket goes to..... BratPack

The Full Back of FanFooty is......... *Drumrolls NASTE.

Backline: Hellopplz, Naste, BratPack

Justin Bieber

The Half Backline is up next.

First Flanker goes to...... Marcz.

Second Half Back Flanker is..... BOOMZ.

The Covetted Centre Half Back Spot is none other than CFC 1979.

The Team Stands At:
Backline: Hellopplz, Naste, BratPack
Half Backline: Marcz, CFC 1979, BOOMZ


PowerBug as Ruck Rover - As i win the Chris Judd Award ;)

Justin Bieber

Quote from: PowerBug on September 19, 2011, 08:29:50 PM
PowerBug as Ruck Rover - As i win the Chris Judd Award ;)
We'll have to wait and see as it's quite hard to choose the team!


hmm... i wonder if i will be picked.
are you gonna include a massive bench?? :P

Justin Bieber

Now time for the Centre line!

Left Wing is occupied by........ RooBoys!.

Right wing is going to........ Sid (Alex).

The Man In The Middle will be........ Ossie85!

The Team Stands At:
Backline: Hellopplz, Naste, BratPack
Half Backline: Marcz, CFC 1979, BOOMZ
Centre: Sid, Ossie85, roo boys!

Justin Bieber

The Half Forwards are set to be announced!

First Half Forward Flanker is...... Maca24.

Other Forward Flanker is....... Cookie Monster (HillHero13).

This leave the Centre Half Forward to be the "Fergie" Of FanFooty, Crowsfan.

Backline: Hellopplz, naste, BratPack
Half Backline: Marcz, CFC 1979, BOOMZ
Centre: Sid (Alex), Ossie85, roo boys!
Half Forward: Maca24, Crowsfan, Cookie Monster (HillHero13)

Justin Bieber

The Forward Line is arguably one of the highly contested areas, but what isn't? :P.

First Foward Pocket is...... Dazburg.

Other Forward Pocket goes to..... Master Q.

This Full Forward for 2011 is..... LaHug!

Team stands at:
Backline: Hellopplz, naste, BratPack
Half Backline: Marcz, CFC 1979, BOOMZ
Centre: Sid (Alex), Ossie85, roo boys!
Half Forward: Maca24, Crowsfan, Cookie Monster (HillHero13)
Forwardline: DazBurg, LaHug, Master Q


with no means of offence whatsoever, but how did LaHang get FullForward?


Quote from: Luigi197 on September 19, 2011, 08:56:32 PM
with no means of offence whatsoever, but how did LaHang get FullForward?
He was great all year in the DT section and front bar.


Quote from: Luigi197 on September 19, 2011, 08:56:32 PM
with no means of offence whatsoever, but how did LaHang get FullForward?
I amazed that HP gave himself the awesome posi of a grubby Back-pocketer. ;)