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Started by bomberboy0618, August 26, 2011, 11:25:09 AM

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The same if you ask me ;) Can't split them. Don't sell either BB


Pretty much just going Harding because of better exp.


They are pretty much the exact same skillset and you would be stupid to sell either of them


Yeah same skillset but Harding has superior EXP


but i say he is doing this to decide who to sell and no point selling either


Quote from: cookie311993 on August 26, 2011, 11:42:39 AM
They are pretty much the exact same skillset and you would be stupid to sell either of them
Please explain how he is stupid if he sells either?


They are both good bowlers and 24. Fastie and LFM would be good. Me and BB have been talking and he wants a young side and given that these two are young and 2 of his better bowlers would be crazy to get rid of them as they can be with his club for ages


if ya selling one let me know  ;)


dont know whether you would be able to afford them cyrus


Cyrus seems to have a lot of money somehow...  ???


hmm dont know how he does it then he is in div 7


Quote from: Nails on August 26, 2011, 12:58:05 PM
Cyrus seems to have a lot of money somehow...  ???
I always seem to find money aswell. It just keeps rolling in somehow.


I am pretty proud actually i have 200k and am managing to not spend any of it :) first time i have been able to save


I have 40K and am wanting to spend it as soon as Siddiq sells  ;D

Although I want to sell Kreder/Pasuma (if I can get more than 20K for each)

Cookie you said you were interested in Pasuma - if I put him up for 15K will you place a bid? If you get outbid meh...

Wait maybe I need him so I have enough young seam bowlers, meh...

Interested in him or Kreder at all?

Hopefully they go for ~50K each so I can spend $200K on a spec/spec player...

@BB woops, back on topic, I think everyone agrees Harding is not just as good as the other guy if not better.