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Started by pinochio, August 26, 2011, 07:47:23 AM

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since i have no cash for a sylvia trade up and mzungu is stuck in my mid field is there any sense in trading him for over sylvia for a equal or less value...

sylvia > didak/brennen
mzungu > lecras/kennedy

if i trade sylvia mzungu will have to stay mid and pick up dust as cant do anything with him there...if i trade the gu then sylvia becomes dead weight for a week obv...



or sub mzungu for sylvia and field him ?


but that might mean i have to field mzungu next week as well.....will have i trade left...

i guess if i do that then i can trade someone like a broughton to birchall???
...or keep 2 trades for next week

its just i want to trade to have n regrets...will most like use 2/3 trades left this week for no regrets :P


I'd trade sylvia he is of no use to you anymore, mzungu can atleast be cover