FanFooty Franchise Drafting Finished( Franchises Announced)

Started by cookie311993, August 22, 2011, 11:34:41 AM

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Master Q



Sorry about the stuff up with the first section BB. The order isnt finalised for the 3rd round anymore. I will decide on that once the 2nd round is completed. Then i will know what each franchise looks like based on ratings so i can decide the new orders based on best rating franchises after first two rounds


You gaiz should recruit me ASAP lieke totez when it's rd3

I'm going to be adding a ~250K player to bolster my ratings soon :)


We have to wait until this round is finished nails. And besides you dont need to buy a 250k player you could spend 250k on a number of players and replace some of your current ones and get overall stronger.


All my players except Greig are Rel/Rel (they struggle to get a game) or Rel/Accom or better

Therefore to get my squad stronger I couldn't really buy many players that are less than guns for that...


you use the term gun to freely. You need to start looking for players better than your current ones. Acc/Acc, Expert/Acc


You misunderstood what I said I think...

Accom/Accom = half my batting line up after training this Thursday

Batters in my strongest lineup:
Stone - exp summary Batter
Siddiq - accom/accom (after training has 4.6K spare ratings)
Simon - exp/exp
McDonald - exp/outs
Yogish - accom/accom
Sweeney (my keeper) - Rel/Rel - should be accom soon

Texel - Accom/Rel with 4K spare ratings
Maddox - Exp/Accom
Mamta - Outs/Exp
Ud-Din - Spec/Spec
Stone - Accom/Accom

See what I mean?

I sometimes play Bubb who's rel/rel but that's because he never fails and his power is a bit higher than the others.


Are that what players skills are currently or are you predicting pops from your players?? Show me the skills of your current bunch of players as they are atm


That's all accurate except for Siddiq who's currently rel/accom (but has 4.6K spare ratings)

I'll open their skills and you can take a look.


Okay i will do that now then. 4k spare ratings doesnt really mean too much nails. There could be un-used rating points in skills that arent neccessary for a player

8-6 Suited

I'm working you pricks, I'll do my picks when I'm ready so don't tell me to hurry up.

Thanks for the message HP as I wasn't aware.



My message wasnt trying to hurry you up shaggy i just wasnt sure if you were aware it was your pick as i hadnt seen you on lately. When Hp gets home from school it is his pick when he gets online, just so he knows

Justin Bieber

I'm on ;). Was just having lunch as I had a half day.

Come on Down Alex :D.