Thoughts for trades this week?

Started by miegs3, August 19, 2011, 10:27:52 AM

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6 Trades and $154,700, which moves this week?
Again reaching out for thoughts on the big moves for finals, no league games this week in any league but trying to setup best team for next week and hopefully the following.

Team currently
Backs: Gibbs, Goddard, Deledio, Birchall, Heppell, Stanley, Adcock (Jacobs, Talia, Taylor)
Mids: Pendlebury, Swan, Boyd, Mitchell, Ablett, Bartel (Krakouer, Kerr, Buckley)
Rucks: Cox, Sandilands (Smith, Lobbe)
Fwds: Pavlich, Goodes, Franklin, Petrie, Sylvia, Riewoldt, Mzungu (Chapman, Prestia, Richardson)

I'm thinking the best options to Trade out this week are Krakouer, Prestia, Buckley, Jacobs, Stanley, Kerr.
I'm hoping I can get 4 upgrades with two downgrades (Blease this week?)
Back options Suckling, Fisher (although I'm thinking Scotland and Enright in following weeks)
Midfield options: Redden, Rockliff, Thompson, Dal Santo
Forward options: Fyfe, Johnson(next week), O'Keefe

Too hard to make a Poll out of that at this stage so any thoughts and comments would be appreciated.