Stayin' Alive, Staying' Aliiiiive!

Started by Windigo, August 15, 2011, 07:16:26 PM

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Okay, I've been through this last week.

I didn't trade A.Swallow last week & in doing that I lost a match I could have won the other I still would have lost unfortunately.

So, I'll put it out again. Do I have enough confidence in A.Swallow's abillity to knock out a 120+ in my do or die final or do I trade:

These Options:

Montagna (Opponent has him)

Or do I hold fire. If I don't trade, I'll have 2 trades & I'll look to out Scotland next week. But really I'm in trouble this week.  :(


tbh there's no point in saving trades if there's a good chance you could lose this week and get eliminated. saints playing sydney so swallow may do better than montagna. dont know your midfield but maybe sam mitchell?


Maybe Boyd against Port or even S.Thompson against Gold Coast if u can afford him...


i have mitchell boyd and thompson w00t but seriously go for broke windigo

you have to get the best available player


Yeah, I have to go for broke.

My Midfield:

Swan, Boyd, Mitchell, Redden, Ablett & Swallow.

I can only afford these options!

Pavlich (Permentely mid for rest of season

That is it really.

Might get Shiels.

What I need is a player I can confidently see getting a ton.....

Or do I do this:



Windigo, discount Beams for starters. He might rip a big score this week, get you through, but chances are in the next 2 games he'll have an average one. Too volatile.

Out of those guys, I'd go Montagna.

OR, go the forward trade, as you said. Rioli will be better the O'Keefe, as long as his hammy stays in one piece. I have him, so I'm certainly hoping so.


Shiels with 122 against the Dogs and 114 against GC previously and still to play them again
makes him look the best pick Monty has a 105 against Nth Melb and a 109 against Carlton.
Neither has played next weeks opponent to get a gauge on scoring potential there.
Run the gauntlet with Roo i reckon, hold him.


windigo wouldnt it be better to out chapman or stevie j


Quote from: Holzman on August 16, 2011, 04:19:24 AM
windigo wouldnt it be better to out chapman or stevie j
+1 or Sylvia if you've still got him like i do ...  :'(


Yeah true. If I out Stevie J, I'd need a player that can deliver the same as him.

I think might not trade. I have 2 trades & only have the one player to out in Scotland next week.

Not much point, it will only give me maybe 40 points extra (at  the most) anyway.


Is Stevie J your only Cat? And who's your cover for him?
I'd either trade out a Cat or hold my trades with only 2 left.


He is my only Geelong player. I can cover with I.Smith/Mzungu.

I'll hand tight with the 2 trades & trade Scotland next week & have one left for whatever.

I'd hate to trade out Riewoldt etc & then they score big. Not really worth it.


Definitely hold if you can cover with I. Smith/Mzungu


Your midfield is reasonable but what is the rest of your team like? If you have two trades then you might need them to change someone in another section.

Personally I wore A.Swallows bye and look forward to his return this week. I have kept Chris Newman for now in the hope that he is my wild card in the grand final (assuming that I get there).

I have one trade but plan to wear Chapmans bye. I have enough coverage on the bench to support the one player each week having a bye.


Covering Chappy with Muzungu nothing wrong with that,He's going better than Chappy at the minute.
Muzungu has been a godsend to my team,perfect cover. nothing wrong with Smith either by the way.
If you get through you will be in a great position with 2 trades surely.