Scotland & Gibbs

Started by Mozza84, August 05, 2011, 06:10:02 PM

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Just curious to know what people will be doing in round 23 when Carlton have the bye and they have both Scotland and Gibbs in their backline?

Will they be trading 1 or both out?

Do you have sufficient cover? and if so who is covering?


If I can stretch my trades out, I'll probably swap Scotland to someone, and cover with either Jacobs or Puopolo. I think Scotland to Suckling/Birchall would be good, seeing as they're playing GC in round 24.


If i stil have the trades as mozza said scotland to suckling sounds good. But i have 8 premium backs so i should be all good anyway.


I only have Gibbs and i'll be trading him out.


ive got scotland and with only 2 trades left and sandi on the pine will have to cover with either lower puopolo or otten


I'm going to trade scotland for S.Martin because he has an easy last 2 games and cover gibbs with the poo.


Covering with adcock and Heppel


I have 7 premium mids and Harry Taylor on the bench, thats my back up.


Think I can handle it. If it comes to the crunch I'd out Gibbs. Everyone has Gibbs & I reckon picking up a good unique gun def would sway games in my favor.

But can cover both.


Quote from: Windigo on August 06, 2011, 02:33:58 PM
Think I can handle it. If it comes to the crunch I'd out Gibbs. Everyone has Gibbs & I reckon picking up a good unique gun def would sway games in my favor.

But can cover both.
Unless, of course, Gibbs got one of those 140s he's been getting this season. Then you'd be a bit peeved. But yeah, covering both is the good move :)


Ah, fair point....Might cover both. Wonder if I should trade A.Swallow next week. But then again I have no cash & I like adore him.  ::)


Depends how many trades you have. I only have 2 so I'll be trading based purely on my opponent. Considering I can't finish top 4, I need to be really careful with my trades and win 4 weeks in a row (or like 11 considering I'm already on a 6 game winning streak and should win this week). I'll only trade if I don't have as good cover as my opponent OR if my opponent is better than me (which nobody in my league really is... I just started poorly)


i have both and only 2 trades i will be checking out who my opponent has before i do anything but i`d go scotland out before gibbs and cover gibbs with either pups or pederson.


Quote from: Windigo on August 06, 2011, 02:33:58 PM
Think I can handle it. If it comes to the crunch I'd out Gibbs. Everyone has Gibbs & I reckon picking up a good unique gun def would sway games in my favor.

But can cover both.

everyone i play has both.