Brennan v Buddy v Fisher

Started by -Hector-, July 29, 2011, 03:59:39 PM

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Team is just about where I want it to be.

Ideally, I'd like one more gun forward and one more gun defender.

Guys I've got in mind are Brennan and Franklin for forwards and Fisher as a defender.

My question is not which I should go first from a 'complete my team' perspective, but from a financial perspective.

I have about $48k in the bank and my options to trade out are Puopolo, Jacobs or even Lower as defenders, and forwards to trade out Richardson, Prestia, Mzungu.

I only have 3 trades remaining, so if I downgrade to Callinan for one of my more expensive rookies, then hopefully I'll be able to afford both options in the next 2 - 3 weeks, with no trades remaining.

Hopefully that makes some sort of sense, sorry don't have much time to fix the post as I'm @ work on lunchbreak. haha.

Cheers all.


Ahhh shower guys, supposed to be in the DT part. Sorry!


Sorry guys, bumping this because nobody has replied.

I'm pretty much set on trading out Prestia as a mid and bringing in Callinan for the cash, then trading Mzungu out for Franklin.

Then, either next week or the week after (keeping in mind I'll have $100k in the bank and only 1 trade), I'll bring in Fisher just in time for finals, and cross my fingers that I don't get any injuries for the rest of the year.

Just need some confirmation that this is a decent plan.


With the 3 trades, I'd be holding.... But if you must trade, sounds like a good plan!