How wrong we all were to trade him out

Started by Mcleod23, July 28, 2011, 12:28:55 PM

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Of course i'm talking about Greg 'i've come good' Broughton. Myself and many other DT coaches were tossing up with the decision early in the season to keep greg or dump him before he dropped in price anymore after a string of below par performances.

There were several threads about greg and plenty of comments like 'he has a new role, time to trade' and 'I got rid of him 2 weeks ago and haven't looked back  8)' so I like many other coaches finally had enough of his useless 60 scores and hit the trade button, but now it has well and truly come back to bite us on the a$$.

I didn't pick him up when he bottomed out at just under 300k and he began his return to form but now when a good defender is harder to pick than Collingwood's first goal kicker, I find myself trying to bite the bullet, swallow my pride and bring broughton back in at his huge inflated, told you not to trade me price!

To the very few believers that held onto Greg this thread isn't a chance for you to gloat but for us non-belivers to discuss what we are going to do in the defence department and can we actually bring him back in?!


I never had him and missed the boat on the return.


Before you kicked yourself too much. What happens when David Mundy comes back into the side?

Keep in mind those that kept Broughton had to put up with a lot of below par scores and after a couple of good weeks they might be smiling until Mundy comes back into the midfield again.


Quote from: Flemo on July 28, 2011, 01:23:06 PM
Before you kicked yourself too much. What happens when David Mundy comes back into the side?

Keep in mind those that kept Broughton had to put up with a lot of below par scores and after a couple of good weeks they might be smiling until Mundy comes back into the midfield again.
Did not think of that.


yeh my problem which also sometimes works to my benefit is when i get a "premium" i tend to stick with them regardless of a form slump because i know as soon as i trade them out theyll kill iv also held on to people like adcock but also didak  ::) and knights to an extent. theres certainly a few defenders out there that will be coming down in price soon especially fisher


On defence, i'm quite happy with playing Stanley and Lower for the next 2 rounds. My problem is i'm playing 1 of Lobbe/JRoo/Mzungu each week.


i spoke of that way back when everyone was jumping off...

while his scores may well go down when Mundy comes back...

the point was he would average the 85-90 by years end he has in the past 2 years so dont trade him...


I kept him and he is repaying me so far put just remember there is still 5 rounds to come?


I wasn't convinced that he was officially back to his best until one of their star midfielders came back

Even when Barlow returned and played a full game on the weekend he still managed to get to 96, second highest behind barlow and amazingly not one freo player hit a 100!

So this is why I still can't decide to splash the cash or not... I reckon Stefan Martin is looking good too and how can you look past Sammy Fisher at that price!


He is the bone of my contention, I got rid of him for Adcock after round 2 and it was the right move he has now hit form but Cock has won me games while i would of lost keeping this muppet !


Yeah that's true, the cock was destroying in the early half of the year, could pick him up as he looks like he might be returning to some good form too.

Decisions decisions, definitely the business end of the year!


So many shower scores & you were all whinging about it, don't deny it. I think you should feel happy with your choice to out him. Of course in HINDSIGHT you wouldn't have. But hey..... ::)


I thought this thread was going to be about Danny Stanley...


Im not too happy with my backline this year i have got rid of broughton lower and stanley, lower and stanley turned good as soo nas i got rid of them at least broughton peformed poorly for about 5 weeks after i got rid of him. I will be looking closely at the affect mundy has on broughton for next year. With the carlton bye i might be forced to trade out scotland or gibbs for him.
