Problem with thinking you've been banned from chat when you haven't...

Started by LaHug, July 24, 2011, 02:43:05 PM

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Firstly, I am not complaining about anything. I have not been banned and I believe that most people banned deserve to be banned.
However, I think there is a bit of a glitch with the site that scares people and makes them think they were banned.
If you are not logged into the site (mine sometimes logs itself out so this happened to me) and you try to post a comment, you get this:

"You have been banned from the FanFooty game chat.

FanFooty will ban you if you abuse the chat by swearing, making racist remarks, insulting other posters, posting bogus injury information, or ignoring the football game.

These rules are in place to ensure a friendly, football-focused chat environment. If you can't handle that, that is your problem.

If you think you can abide by these rules and you want to get reinstated, please email"

When I first saw it, I was shocked because I rarely post in chat and don't think I've ever done anything wrong. Then I refreshed the page and saw I wasn't logged in. After logging in and trying again to post, I noticed what had happened.

m0nty, I understand if it is difficult to do this, but is it possible to have a different message when you're not logged in such as: "You are not logged in. You must be logged in to post in chat."

I noticed some people complaining they were falsely banned in chat today and I assume it was because of this reason.

North Melbournes Finest

Yeah last week I tried to join the chat and post something and it told me I'd been banned and I sent an email to Monty regarding this (without a reply over the last week). Then I just tried to post and it still said I was banned so I didn't bother. I guess it's just a glitch or something, but I'd say it needs to be fixed, there'd be a lot more traffic in the chat if this was fixed.


Definitely some kind of glitch but I was logged in when it happened to me...


Quote from: BOOMZ on July 24, 2011, 02:55:56 PM
Definitely some kind of glitch but I was logged in when it happened to me...
Oh dear. Didn't realise that... :S


i was banned for a while for some reason im still able to access chat now so i dont know what happened

Master Q

The Silent Partner

Same thing happened to me. I was like what the hell did I say. Just closed and reopened problem solved.


I have also had problems with Monty never replying. I have one simple question. CALVINS CAPTAIN? Where on earth can i find this out before the lockout begins. So often I see it after the fact and his captain has gone big. So where can i find this before the lockout?


Thanks ossie85 but how do i get to supercoach gold I cant find it. Cheers


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