AEPL Rules 2011/12

Started by CrowsFan, July 21, 2011, 04:45:39 PM

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Ok so here is the set of rules to outline how to play the AEPL this season. Most of the info can actually be found at the official site since this is all based on that ;)

Teams and Fixtures
In the AEPL there will be 10 teams. Each team will play another team each round, and you will play every team 4 times over the course of the season. This will take up the first 36 rounds of the season. The final 2 rounds will be the finals, where the top 4 battle it out to win the whole thing. In round 37 the team on top of the ladder will play the team in 4th spot and the teams coming 2nd and 3rd play each other. The winner of these 2 games will then play in the grand final in round 38.
3 points is awarded to the team that wins a game, 1 point is awarded to the teams if they draw and 0 points are awarded if you lose. If teams are equal on points they will be separated by points scored for the season.
Remember teams playing at their "home ground" get a 3 point advantage over the "away team".

The Squad
Each squad must consist of 15 players. This includes 2 goal keepers, 5 defenders, 5 midfielders and 3 forwards. There are no exceptions to this rule. You can also not select more than 3 players from the same team.

Each round you must submit your starting XI for that week. Any formations are allowed as long as it contains 1 keeper, at least 3 defenders and 1 forward. The bench must then be sorted into priority on who comes on if one of your starting XI does not play.

When submitting your starting XI you must select a captain and vice captain. The captain will score double points.

Scoring is the same as the official game so check their website to see how players score points. The only difference is we have the home ground advantage of 3 points added to the home teams score.

The Draft
The draft is how we select our original teams. Players take it in turns to select a player to join their squad until everyone has got a complete squad. The draft will be a snake draft and so it will run ABABAB etc. With 10 teams and 15 players to pick each there will be 150 selections.
Once someone has picked a player there will be a 24 hour time limit before the next person is skipped of their go. The draft order will be determined from a random list generator.

During the season you may wish to make transfers to replace an injured player, a transferred player or someone who is just out of form. Each round you have a limit of 2 transfers that you can make.
There are 2 different transfer methods. You can either replace one of your players with a player who has not been selected by any team yet. This is a straight for straight swap so they must still play the same position. This is one transfer.
The other transfer method is between other teams. This method is when you negotiate with another manager a trade which both of you deem fair. This can involve up to 3 players from each team being traded, but like with any trade they still need to be the same position, so you cannot trade 2 forwards for a forward and a midfielder. This is also deemed one transfer even though you are trading more than one player.

Before the season starts and once the draft has finished you can make as many changes as you wish as long as you post them for all to see.

During the drafting period you can make transfers with other managers for draft picks or players. An example is offering to trade Lampard for the other persons next pick or something similar. During this stage you can trade a midfielder for a player of any other position because your squads are not yet completed. But remember everything still needs to be equal, so you can't swap a player for 2 draft picks, you would have to swap a player plus one of your draft picks for 2 draft picks of the other persons.

Hopefully this all makes sense, if you have any questions or feel I have missed anything just ask  :D
Good luck


The Snake Draft thing is what i Don't get. You mean like, if it was me, you and HP lets say, it goes me, you, hp, ho, you, me, me, you, hp etc. Right?

When trading between us, how do you do the two for one trades? You wouldn't have 15 players then right?

When do we start the Drafting? Prob once it opens up Officially right?

The Drafting is or isn't according to the Budgets on the real site?

In rounds 37 and 38 while the finals are being played, could a minor finals be played as well?

Are the transfers between us done in THIS thread? Do we have to say like 'OFFICIAL TRANSFER: Lampard to HP and VDV to CF' or something like that; because things could be left undecided?

Do we only post things unless we are certain about? Like we can't post our team Thursday night, then decide to post it again and change on Saturday??

Bonus points based on MOTM votings count as well (according to the official site)?

-EDIT- Oh and Fletch was the one who ran it last year didn't he?

OK, thats it. Luigi :)


The Snake Draft thing is what i Don't get. You mean like, if it was me, you and HP lets say, it goes me, you, hp, ho, you, me, me, you, hp etc. Right?
Yes exactly. So it is the same as any other drafts that we have done :)

When trading between us, how do you do the two for one trades? You wouldn't have 15 players then right?
As I said (pretty sure) in the first post you can't do this. All trades must be even ;)

When do we start the Drafting? Prob once it opens up Officially right?
Drafting will start on Saturday, I'm just about to make that thread. The official one opened this morning.

The Drafting is or isn't according to the Budgets on the real site?
No there is no budget in this one. So you can get all the expensive players you want :)

In rounds 37 and 38 while the finals are being played, could a minor finals be played as well?
Yes minor finals will also be played, just forgot to mention that.

Are the transfers between us done in THIS thread? Do we have to say like 'OFFICIAL TRANSFER: Lampard to HP and VDV to CF' or something like that; because things could be left undecided?
No not in this thread. There will be specific threads for completed trades, trade discussion and team threads etc.
Yes that is how you announce a trade.

Do we only post things unless we are certain about? Like we can't post our team Thursday night, then decide to post it again and change on Saturday??
Yeah that is basically right. Each round I will create a thread for which you can post your team for that round. It will have a deadline to post your team in. After that deadline your team cannot be changed for the week :)

Bonus points based on MOTM votings count as well (according to the official site)?
Yep all points are counted

-EDIT- Oh and Fletch was the one who ran it last year didn't he?
Yes fletch ran it last year, but found it too time consuming, so I am taking over so he can actually play this time

OK, thats it. Luigi :)


Justin Bieber

The trades can be discussed in open or through PM's depending on how the managers want to go about it.

I was very active in trading last draft so have no problem trading during the draft :D. Need to start making a list tommorrow night.

CF, I'm away for the weekend. Going to the Dons vs Blues game on Saturday Night and then Hawks Vs Demons Sunday. I'll send my picks to you before I leave Saturday evening and Sunday morning if that's alright? Just to keep it moving just incase he gets on a roll.


Yeah no worries HP. Once the draft starts we will have 3 weeks to pick 150 players :D



Such my luck... Last pick ;)


You know the fun thing about this draft is whilst we are doing it more people could be bought by teams so even if you don't have the first couple of picks you could still grab a great player later on in the draft :D
Will be interesting to see what strategy people choose too :)