prosp wtf why did you move my thread?

Started by fever, July 19, 2011, 07:44:15 PM

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i was asking about trades, not what people thought of my team.

edit: if i was dumb enough to post in the wrong section disregard (but i'm pretty sure i wasnt).


Prospector isn't a mod anymore so it wasn't him.
If you are asking about what trades you should do by posting your whole team and asking people where you can improve that is a rate my team thread not players and trades ;)


i posted my whole team because the question i was asking (re what trade to do) was position dependant and needed all positions in their entirity to give balance and info.

if i didnt post all players i guarantee the 1st reply would be "not sure, post the rest of your team so we can tell".

who is mod now btw? masterQ?

CFC 1979

read the blue at the top fever

ossie  + hawk88

or maybe it was the ghost of Pros


roo boys!

Similar thing has happened to me, a bit hard when people are saying "post your team" but when you do it gets moved. Maybe just post the line of the field it regards?


true, but it literally needed every line. i was showing my mids because of an upgrade needed there, which i was asking about whether to downgrade a defender or forward to free up cash (the balance of which could've been tipped by my fwd/ruck combo with sandi and petrie mpp).


Agree totally with you, rate my supercoach and players and trades are very similar topics, and when i was asking whether i should use my last trade to get Fyfe my thread got moved from trades to rate my supercoach aswell.

Either let people post where they want to Moderators, or combine the threads coz all that is happening is people are getting annoyed.

roo boys!

I still think the new moderators are doing a great job. The work they have to do is incredible, so they deserve nothing but praise IMO.


I asked which teams have the easiest runs home so that i could make the right TRADES and it gets moved to strategies. Please explain someone?


Happens all the time. If only the mods would read read the entire post and it's context rather than seeing a team posted and assuming the OP is asking for their team to be rated. As far as getting your thread back, I wouldn't hold your breath.


not trying to hate on the mods, they do an excellent job. just think that if you are mainly asking for trade advice then leave it here.



Quote from: roo boys! on July 19, 2011, 09:05:43 PM
I still think the new moderators are doing a great job. The work they have to do is incredible, so they deserve nothing but praise IMO.
Agree 100% it is a difficult job moderating - Just imagine sorting through all the posts in one day and see if they were in the correct place.  True the new moderators have moved a few threads probably incorrectly but it is also a learning curve for them.  However how many times have we looked at posts ourselves and said this is in the wrong area.  As a suggestion maybe the Topic Forum Board could be changed
Rather than Trades and Players in SC maybe call Advice on Trades/Players wanted to avoid the confusion and posts being moved.
Maybe change the Startegy to Genearl SC Questions so Queries like Cortez can be answered (I have posted for you Cortez). Not a lot of people look in this area,  In Fairness to the moderators this question would hard to pidgeon hole in one of the existing categories.
Sorry for my log winded reply and to ossie  + hawk88 thanks a lot.


Sorry, that was probably me.

Basically, if you post your whole team, it goes into the Rate my team section. I may have been harsh on you fever, but so many people keep posting there whole teams here it is just an easier policy to move threads whenever you see a whole team.