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Canadian Youth Pull Comp

Started by cookie311993, July 16, 2011, 09:48:40 PM

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well that is just nice i think you win the youth pull comp haha. Majority of the offsite is probably having a pull right now. Not me though

Cookie Monster

Quote from: cookie311993 on July 16, 2011, 11:49:58 PM
they should have dropped mordt when q bought him. His academy wasnt good enough to keep progressing him

not getting into this, But Q was talking about communities and beat Canada in the World Cup Final?

Q's team is shower yes, but when did it come part of the conversation??

You just bring in other stuff that is tottally irrelevent because you know you are wrong.

You say Q starts fights, he doesn't he just puts in his opinion as fletch stated in another thread, this forum is what that is fir voicing your opionion, he does that and then you start the fights.

Master Q

You are one funny man Cookie. Anyone who took that seriously needs to be checked by their doctor  ::)

Oh yeh. Re the Mordt bagging, at least I had a U19 NAT.

QuoteI didnt call you a prick for asking questions. I try and get some players for my 1 community and you come in like a flower head acting like a prick calling me stingey. If you dont like it dont enter. I wasnt asking for your two cents worth so keep your mouth shut.

Ummmm... You clearly said this:

QuoteQ nobody was asking you to enter so if you are gonna be a prick then seriously just piss off i dont want the shower mate. I am going out of the way for my one community

I'd recommend learning how to read as well. I said don't call me stingey - That's not calling you stingey. Secondly, you said I was acting like a prick - I was questioning. If you weren't asking for my two cents, tough luck. This is what you call a public forum. Do you know what public means? Do you go to school, or do you stay at home looking after your dads team?

Grow up mate. Or, keep acting like you are - No more Q for everybody. Yay.


it shouldnt have even got to that though. I posted asking for anyone keen to be part of my youth pull comp. Q either does or he doesnt doesnt have to start calling me stingey or shower

Master Q

Quote from: cookie311993 on July 17, 2011, 12:10:32 AM
it shouldnt have even got to that though. I posted asking for anyone keen to be part of my youth pull comp. Q either does or he doesnt doesnt have to start calling me stingey or shower
I called myself Stingey! Come on. Don't post if you don't read. Simple. I was asking how much it would cost because you said you were forking out a lot and by the looks of it it isn't "a lot".

Stay Premium Cookie. Comon.


starting to wonder how old some ppl are in here because there are a few acting like 6 year old kids.....



lets just get on with it
look forward winning when i pull some premo youths  <---- :-[ that aint right....

Justin Bieber

Staying on the Smallville and Canadian theme (can't believe not many of you watch a show about superheroes ::)):

Got these photos to keep it G for the younger users ;).


lol HP such a considerate lad.
In regards to before when you guys said I dont have a community thats because im still deciding, but all I ever hear is come to canada blah blah blah.
Think Australia might be the go with Shags and HP  8)


HP I think for a lot of the users on here were quite young when smallville started so may not have gotten in to it. I for one love smallville and have watched all 10 seasons :)

Justin Bieber

Quote from: CrowsFan on July 17, 2011, 01:02:37 AM
HP I think for a lot of the users on here were quite young when smallville started so may not have gotten in to it. I for one love smallville and have watched all 10 seasons :)
I got into it about a season or two in since I love my superhero shows and movies. Still need to get to them sometime :P. Reminds me of my younger years with the action figures and arcade games :D.

Sweet Maca but up to you 8). No rush and can just randomly pop in with a post here and there in the Aussie boards if you do. I use to do this for a few months :-[.


I love smallville :)
Q I don't really think luigi will choose a community, I'll ask him but i doubt it.


On topic please guys!

Picks and such in Front Bar :)


Ok oss, but the pics are nice you have to admit :).
So who's in?